
Defines functions validateSchema

Documented in validateSchema

#' Check and update schema descriptions
#' This function takes a raw schema description and updates values that were
#' only given as wildcard or implied values. It is automatically called by
#' \code{reorganise}, but can also be used in concert with the getters to debug
#' a schema.
#' @param input [\code{data.frame(1)}]\cr an input for which to check a schema
#'   description.
#' @param schema [\code{symbol(1)}]\cr the schema description.
#' @details The core idea of a schema description is that it can be written in a
#'   very generic way, as long as it describes sufficiently where in a table
#'   what variable can be found. A very generic way can be via using the
#'   function \code{\link{.find}} to identify the initially unknown
#'   cell-locations of a variable on-the-fly, for example when it is merely
#'   known that a variable must be in the table, but not where it is.
#'   \code{validateSchema} matches a schema with an input table and inserts the
#'   accordingly evaluated positions (of clusters, filters and variables),
#'   adapts some of the meta-data and ensures formal consistency of the schema.
#' @return An updated schema description
#' @examples
#' # build a schema for an already tidy table
#' (tidyTab <- tabs2shift$tidy)
#' schema <-
#'   setIDVar(name = "territories", col = 1) %>%
#'   setIDVar(name = "year", col = .find(pattern = "period")) %>%
#'   setIDVar(name = "commodities", col = 3) %>%
#'   setObsVar(name = "harvested", col = 5) %>%
#'   setObsVar(name = "production", col = 6)
#' # before ...
#' schema
#' # ... after
#' validateSchema(schema = schema, input = tidyTab)
#' @importFrom checkmate assertNames assertClass assertNumeric
#' @importFrom rlang is_quosure
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across ungroup n right_join
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na everything
#' @importFrom purrr map_int map_lgl map
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export

validateSchema <- function(schema = NULL, input = NULL){

  assertDataFrame(x = input)
  assertClass(x = schema, classes = "schema")

  filter <- schema@filter
  groups <- schema@groups
  tabDim <- dim(input)
  variables <- schema@variables

  # 1. complete cluster information ----
  clusters <- schema@clusters

  # set cluster start if it is NULL or a qousure
    clusters$row <- 1
  } else if(is.list(clusters$row)){
    clusters$row <- .eval_find(input = input, row = clusters$row, clusters = clusters)

    clusters$col <- 1
  } else if(is.list(clusters$col)){
    clusters$col <- .eval_find(input = input, col = clusters$col, clusters = clusters)

    nPos <- table(clusters$col)
    dist <- diff(c(unique(clusters$col), tabDim[2]+1))
    clusters$width <- rep(dist, times = nPos)

    if(length(clusters$row) > 1){
      nPos <- table(clusters$row)
      dist <- diff(c(unique(clusters$row), tabDim[1]+1))
      clusters$height <- rep(dist, times = nPos)
    } else {
      clusters$height <- tabDim[1]+1 - min(clusters$row)

  nClusters <- max(lengths(clusters))
  if(nClusters == 0) nClusters <- 1

  # make sure that all elements occur the same number of times
  clusters$row <- rep(x = clusters$row, length.out = nClusters)
  clusters$col <- rep(x = clusters$col, length.out = nClusters)
  clusters$width <- rep(x = clusters$width, length.out = nClusters)
  clusters$height <- rep(x = clusters$height, length.out = nClusters)

  # 2. evaluate filter ----
  allRows <- 1:dim(input)[1]
    filter$row <- .eval_find(input = input, row = filter$row)
    filter$col <- .eval_find(input = input, col = filter$col)

  # 3. adjust variables ----
  outsideCluster <- filterOut <- isAbs <- NULL
  selectRows <- selectCols <- idCols <- NULL
  clusterID <- clusters$id
  groupID <- clusters$group

  # first, evaluate whether any variable other than clusterID or groupID has a 'row' set
  headerRows <- map(.x = seq_along(variables), .f = function(ix){
    tempName <- names(variables)[ix]
    if(!tempName %in% c(groupID, clusterID)){
      temp <- variables[[ix]]
      if(temp$type == "observed"){
      } else {
  headerRows <- unlist(headerRows, use.names = FALSE)

  for(i in seq_along(variables)){

    varProp <- variables[[i]]
    varName <- names(variables)[i]

    # resolve quosures from grep-ing unknown col/rows ----
        varProp$row <- .eval_find(input = input, row = varProp$row, clusters = clusters)

        # ignore header rows
        varProp$row <- varProp$row[!varProp$row %in% headerRows]

        varProp$col <- .eval_find(input = input, col = varProp$col, clusters = clusters)

    # check whether the variable is wide ----
    if(varProp$type == "observed"){
      isWide <- map_lgl(.x = seq_along(idCols), function(ix){
        if(length(varProp$col) == length(idCols[[ix]])){
          all(varProp$col == idCols[[ix]])
        } else {
      if(any(isWide) & is.null(varProp$key)){
        varProp$key <- 0
        varProp$value <- "{all_rows}"

    # figure out which rows to filter out
    if(!varProp$dist & !varName %in% c(groupID, clusterID)){
      if(varProp$type == "observed"){
            varProp$row <- clusters$row
          } else {
            varProp$row <- 1

          filterOut <- sort(unique(c(filterOut, varProp$row)))

    if(varProp$type == "id"){
        varProp$dist <- TRUE
      idCols <- c(idCols, list(varProp$col))

    # identify all selected columns ----
    selectCols <- unique(c(selectCols, varProp$col))

    # make sure that all elements occur the same number of times ----

      if(length(varProp$row) == 1){
        varProp$row <- rep(x = varProp$row, length.out = nClusters)
      if(any(varName == groupID)){
        varProp$row <- varProp$row[clusters$member]
    if(any(varName == groupID)){
        varProp$col <- rep(x = varProp$col, length.out = length(varProp$row))
    } else {
        if(length(varProp$col) == 1){
          varProp$col <- rep(x = varProp$col, length.out = nClusters)

    # make sure that cluster or group IDs are set to NA ----
    # that their rows can be recognised as removable, in case there is nothing
    # else in that row
    if(any(varName %in% c(clusterID, groupID))){
      for(j in seq_along(varProp$col)){
        input[varProp$row[j], varProp$col[j]] <- NA

    # adapt rows and columns if there are groups ----
    varProp$row <- .eval_sum(input = input, groups = groups,
                               data = varProp$row)

    variables[[i]] <- varProp
    names(variables)[i] <- varName

  # 4. remove empty rows ----
  testRows <- input[,selectCols]
  emptyRows <- which(rowSums(is.na(testRows)) == ncol(testRows))

  # 5. adapt filter and cluster position to groups ----
  clusters$row <- .eval_sum(input = input, groups = groups,
                              data = clusters$row)
  clusters$height <- .eval_sum(input = input, groups = groups,
                                 data = clusters$height)

  filterOut <- .eval_sum(input = input, groups = groups,
                           data = filterOut)
  allRows <- .eval_sum(input = input, groups = groups,
                         data = allRows)

    filter$row <- filter$row[filter$row %in% sort(unique(allRows[!allRows %in% c(filterOut, emptyRows)]))]
    filter$row <- .eval_sum(input = input, groups = groups,
                              data = filter$row)
  } else {
    filter$row <- sort(unique(allRows[!allRows %in% c(filterOut, emptyRows)]))

  # 6. write it all ----
  out <- new(Class = "schema",
             clusters = clusters,
             format = schema@format,
             groups = schema@groups,
             filter = filter,
             variables = variables,
             validated = TRUE)



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tabshiftr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:24 p.m.