aves | Birds Species and Abundances |
bootstrap | Bootstrap Estimation |
cantabria | Early Magdalenian Engraved Bones |
CompositionIndex-class | Composition Index |
data.frame | Coerce to a Data Frame |
DiversityIndex-class | Diversity Index |
EvennessIndex-class | Evenness Index |
heterogeneity | Heterogeneity and Evenness |
HeterogeneityIndex-class | Heterogeneity Index |
index_ace | Abundance-based Coverage Estimator |
index_baxter | Baxter's Rarefaction |
index_berger | Berger-Parker Dominance Index |
index_binomial | Binomial Co-Occurrence Assessment |
index_boone | Boone Heterogeneity Measure |
index_brainerd | Brainerd-Robinson Quantitative Index |
index_bray | Sorenson Quantitative Index |
index_brillouin | Brillouin Diversity Index. |
index_chao1 | Chao1 Estimator |
index_chao2 | Chao2 Estimator |
index_cody | Cody Measure |
index_hurlbert | Hurlbert's Rarefaction |
index_ice | Incidence-based Coverage Estimator |
index_jaccard | Jaccard Index |
index_margalef | Margalef Richness Index |
index_mcintosh | McIntosh Dominance Index. |
index_menhinick | Menhinick Richness Index |
index_morisita | Morisita-Horn Quantitative Index |
index_routledge | Routledge Measures |
index_shannon | Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index |
index_simpson | Simpson Dominance Index |
index_sorenson | Sorenson Qualitative Index |
index_squares | Squares Estimator |
index_whittaker | Whittaker Measure |
index_wilson | Wilson Measure |
jackknife | Jackknife Estimation |
matrigraph | Matrigraph |
mutators | Get or Set Parts of an Object |
observed | Number of Observed Species |
occurrence | Co-Occurrence |
plot_bertin | Bertin Diagram |
plot_diceleraas | Dice-Leraas Diagram |
plot_diversity | Diversity Plot |
plot_ford | Ford Diagram |
plot_heatmap | Heatmap |
plot_matrix | Matrix Plot |
plot_rank | Rank Plot |
plot_rarefaction | Rarefaction Plot |
plot_spot | Spot Plot |
profiles | Diversity Profiles |
pueblo | Pueblo IV Period Ceramics |
rarefaction | Rarefaction |
RarefactionIndex-class | Rarefaction Index |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
resample | Resample |
richness | Richness |
RichnessIndex-class | Richness Index |
seriograph | Seriograph |
she | SHE Analysis |
similarity | Similarity |
simulate | Measure Diversity by Comparing to Simulated Assemblages |
tabula-deprecated | Deprecated Functions in tabula |
tabula-package | tabula: Analysis and Visualization of Archaeological Count... |
test | Diversity Test |
turnover | Turnover |
woodland | Trees Incidences |
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