Man pages for tbea
Pre- And Post-Processing in Bayesian Evolutionary Analyses

andesDivergence-time estimation data for cis-trans-Andean pairs
concatNexusconcatNexus: Function for concatenation of nexus matrices...
conflateconflate: Calculate the conflation of multiple distributions...
crossplotcrossplot: Plot the median and HPD interval bars for pairs of...
c_truncauchyc_truncauchy: Estimate the c parameter for the truncated...
density_fundensity_fun: A way to represent distributions to be conflated
fasta2nexusfasta2nexus (deprecated): Function for converting molecular...
findParamsFunction for estimation of probability density function...
laventaGeochronology samples from the Honda Group in Colombia
lognormalBeastConstructing a curve for the user-specified lognormal prior...
measureSimilCalculate the Intersection Between Two Densities
mswd.testReduced chi-square test or mean square weighted deviation...
stratCIstratCI: Estimate the confidence intervals of endpoints in...
summaryBrlensummaryBrlen: Summarise branch lengths on trees with...
table2nexustable2nexus: Read a data matrix in delimited format and...
tbea-packagetbea: Pre- And Post-Processing in Bayesian Evolutionary...
tnt2newicktnt2newick: Function for converting from TNT tree format to...
topoFreqFrequency of topologies in a tree sample
xinterceptxintercept: Estimate the x-intercept of an empirical cdf
tbea documentation built on July 1, 2024, 5:07 p.m.