xintercept: xintercept: Estimate the x-intercept of an empirical cdf

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xinterceptR Documentation

xintercept: Estimate the x-intercept of an empirical cdf


xintercept: Estimate the x-intercept of an empirical cdf


xintercept(x, method, alpha = 0.05, p = c(0.025, 0.975), R = 1000, robust)



A vector of type numeric with time data points.


Either "Draper-Smith" or "Bootstrap". The function will fail otherwise.


A vector of length one and type numeric with the nominal alpha value for the Draper-Smith method, defaults to 0.05.


A vector of length two and type numeric with the two-tail probability values for the CI. Defaults to 0.025 and 0.975.


The number of iterations to be used in the Bootstrap method.


Logical value indicating whether to use robust regression using 'Rfit::rfit' ('robust = TRUE') or ordinary least squares 'lm' ('robust = FALSE').


This function will take a vector of time points, calculate the empirical cumulative density function, and regress its values in order to infer the x-intercept and its confidence interval. For plotting purposes, it will also return the x-y empirical cumulative density values.


A named list with three elements: 'param', the value of x_hat; 'ci', the lower and upper values of the confidence interval on x; 'ecdfxy', the x and y points for the empirical cumulative density curve.


Gustavo A. Ballen.


ages <- andes$ages
ages <- ages[complete.cases(ages)] # remove NAs
ages <- ages[which(ages < 10)] # remove outliers

# Draper-Smith, OLS
draperSmithNormalX0 <- xintercept(x = ages, method = "Draper-Smith", alpha = 0.05, robust = FALSE)
# Draper-Smith, Robust fit
draperSmithRobustX0 <- xintercept(x = ages, method = "Draper-Smith", alpha = 0.05, robust = TRUE)
# Bootstrap, OLS
bootstrapNormalX0 <- xintercept(x = ages, method = "Bootstrap", p = c(0.025, 0.975), robust = FALSE)
# Bootstrap, Robust fit
bootstrapRobustX0 <- xintercept(x = ages, method = "Bootstrap", p = c(0.025, 0.975), robust = TRUE)
# plot the estimations
hist(ages, probability = TRUE, col = rgb(red = 0, green = 0, blue = 1, alpha = 0.3),
     xlim = c(0, 10), main = "CDF-based on confidence intervals", xlab = "Age (Ma)")
# plot the lines for the estimator of Draper and Smith using lm
arrows(x0 = draperSmithNormalX0$ci["upper"], y0 = 0.025, x1 = draperSmithNormalX0$ci["lower"],
       y1 = 0.025, code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0.1, lwd = 3, col = "darkblue")
# plot the lines for the estimator of Draper and Smith using rfit
arrows(x0 = draperSmithRobustX0$ci["upper"], y0 = 0.05, x1 = draperSmithRobustX0$ci["lower"],
       y1 = 0.05, code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0.1, lwd = 3, col = "darkgreen")
# plot the lines for the estimator based on bootstrap
arrows(x0 = bootstrapRobustX0$ci["upper"], y0 = 0.075, x1 = bootstrapRobustX0$ci["lower"],
       y1 = 0.075, code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0.1, lwd = 3, col = "darkred")
# plot a legend
legend(x = "topright", legend = c("Draper and Smith with lm", "Draper and Smith with rfit",
                                  "Bootstrap on x0"),
       col = c("darkblue", "darkgreen", "darkred"),  lty = 1, lwd = 3)

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