get_code_dependency: Get code dependency of an object

View source: R/utils-get_code_dependency.R

get_code_dependencyR Documentation

Get code dependency of an object


Extract subset of code required to reproduce specific object(s), including code producing side-effects.


get_code_dependency(code, names, check_names = TRUE)



character with the code.


character vector of object names.


logical(1) flag specifying if a warning for non-existing names should be displayed.


Given a character vector with code, this function will extract the part of the code responsible for creating the variables specified by names. This includes the final call that creates the variable(s) in question as well as all parent calls, i.e. calls that create variables used in the final call and their parents, etc. Also included are calls that create side-effects like establishing connections.

It is assumed that object dependency is established by using three assignment operators: ⁠<-⁠, =, and ⁠->⁠ . Other assignment methods (assign, ⁠<<-⁠) or non-standard-evaluation methods are not supported.

Side-effects are not detected automatically and must be marked in the code. Add ⁠# @linksto object⁠ at the end of a line where a side-effect occurs to specify that this line is required to reproduce a variable called object.


Character vector, a subset of code. Note that subsetting is actually done on the calls code, not necessarily on the elements of the vector. documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:03 a.m.