Man pages for teal
Exploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trials Data

append_moduleAppend a 'teal_module' to 'children' of a 'teal_modules'...
build_app_titleBuild app title with favicon
calculate_hashesGet the hash of a dataset
check_filter_datanamesCheck 'datanames' in filters
check_modules_datanamesCheck 'datanames' in modules
create_app_idApplication ID
deep_copy_filterDeep copy 'teal_slices'
dot-datasets_to_dataConvert 'FilteredData' to reactive list of datasets of the...
example_moduleAn example 'teal' module
filter_manager_module_srvModule specific filter manager
get_client_timezoneGet client timezone
get_code_tdataWrapper for 'get_code.tdata'
get_datasets_codeGet datasets code
get_metadataFunction to get metadata from a 'tdata' object
get_rcode_librariesGenerates library calls from current session info
include_css_filesInclude 'CSS' files from /inst/css/ package directory to...
include_js_filesInclude 'JS' files from /inst/js/ package directory to...
include_teal_css_jsCode to include 'teal' 'CSS' and 'JavaScript' files
initCreate the server and UI function for the 'shiny' app
is_arg_usedDoes the object make use of the 'arg'
join_keys.tdataExtract 'join_keys' from 'tdata'
landing_popup_moduleLanding popup module
matrix_to_mappingConvert mapping matrix to filter mapping specification.
module_filter_managerManage multiple 'FilteredData' objects
module_filter_manager_modalFilter manager modal
module_labelsRetrieve labels from 'teal_modules'
module_managementExtract/Remove module(s) of specific class
module_nested_tabsCreate a UI of nested tabs of 'teal_modules'
modules_datasetsCreate filterable data for modules
modules_depthGet module depth
module_tabs_with_filtersAdd right filter panel into each of the top-level...
module_teal'teal' main app module
module_teal_with_splashAdd splash screen to 'teal' application
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
report_card_templateTemplate function for 'TealReportCard' creation and...
reporter_previewer_moduleCreate a 'teal' module for previewing a report
run_js_filesRun 'JS' file from /inst/js/ package directory
show_rcode_modalShow 'R' code modal
slices_storeStore and restore 'teal_slices' object
snapshot_manager_moduleFilter state snapshot management
tdataCreate a 'tdata' object
tdata2envFunction to convert a 'tdata' object to an 'environment'
tdata_deprecationDowngrade 'teal_data' objects in modules for compatibility
teal_data_datanamesWrapper on ''
teal_data_moduleData module for 'teal' applications
teal_data_to_filtered_dataCreate a 'FilteredData'
teal_modulesCreate 'teal_module' and 'teal_modules' objects
teal-package'teal': Interactive exploration of clinical trials data
teal_slicesFilter settings for 'teal' applications
unfold_mappingExplicitly enumerate global filters.
validate_app_title_tagFunction for validating the title parameter of 'teal::init'
validate_has_dataValidate that dataset has a minimum number of observations
validate_has_elementsValidates that vector has length greater than 0
validate_has_variableValidates that dataset contains specific variable
validate_inValidates that vector includes all expected values
validate_inputsSend input validation messages to output
validate_n_levelsValidate that variables has expected number of levels
validate_no_intersectionValidates no intersection between two vectors
validate_one_row_per_idValidate that dataset has unique rows for key variables
teal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.