Man pages for textutils
Utilities for Handling Strings and Text

btableBarplot Table
dctableDotchart Table
fill_inFill In Templates
hereHere Documents
HTMLdecodeDecode and Encode HTML Entities
insertVector Insertion
latexruleLaTeX Rule.
rmrpRemove Repeated Pattern
spacesCreate Vectors of White Space
strexpExpand String to Fixed Width
TeXencodeEncode Specical Characters for TeX/LaTeX
textutils-packageUtilities for Handling Strings and Text
TeXunitsTranslate TeX Units of Measurement
title_caseRemove Leading and Trailing White Space
toHTMLConvert R Objects to HTML Data Frame to LaTeX
toTextConvert Objects to (Plain) Text
trimRemove Leading and Trailing White Space
valignVertically Align Strings
textutils documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:34 p.m.