
``` {r echo = FALSE} set.seed(1)

## Introduction

`thor` provides an wrapper around LMDB; the lightning memory-mapped
database.  This is an embedded key-value store; there is no server
(like SQLite) - the database exists purely on disk and uses file
locking to manage concurrent access between processes.

Key-value stores are simple systems for persistently storing values
against keys.  In the case of `thor`, both the keys and the data
can be strings or (raw) data.  This provides a low-level building
block on which other applications can be built.  The complications
come from trying to efficiently query the store, or patterns like
"add a new value but only if the previous value was `foo`".

This package does not provide a faithful 1:1 mapping of the
underlying LMDB C API because that requires too much care at the R
level not to crash R!  Instead, probably at the cost of some
performance, `thor` provides a set of wrappers that try to prevent
crashes by invalidating objects in the correct order.  The approach
taken in is very similar to the [python interface to LMDB;

Because the whole point of interacting with a database is side
effects, `thor` uses [R6](
for the interface.  This has the unfortunate effect of complicating
the documentation somewhat because R's documentation is focussed
heavily on _functions_ and the package provides only one function
(`thor::mdb_env`) with everything else happening through *methods*
of this object, and the objects that it creates.

`thor` tries to expose the underlying LMDB interface in a nested
set of objects of increasing power (and complexity).  The objects
that the package provides are

* `mdb_env`: the environment object, which is the interface to the
  database file.  Everything starts here!

* `mdb_dbi`: a database handle.  Multiple databases may be stored
  within a single environment and if more than one is used then
  this object is passed about to control which database things

* `mdb_txn`: a transaction object.  LMDB is a *transactional*
  database and this object is used to carry out actions within a
  transaction (such as getting and putting data).

* `mdb_cursor`: a cursor.  To go beyond basic `get`/`put`, cursors*
  *are required.  These can be used to iterate through the ##
  *database, and to find entries.

* `mdb_proxy`: a proxy for a result.  This is used to defer copying
  data from the database into R for as long as possible.  It's a
  bit of an experiment so we'll see how useful it turns out to be.

All of these objects have their own help pages, even though only
`mdb_env` has an actual function.  On those help pages every public
function described (this is the same set that is printed when
displaying the objects).  There are other functions that can be
reached using `$` - functions beginning with a `.` should be
considered **private**; using these can crash R.  Other functions
(such as `format`) exist because of the way thor uses R6.

For basic operations, one can just use the `mdb_env` object and
ignore the rest of the package.  To do more interesting things,
you'll need transactions (`mdb_txn`), and then perhaps you'll need
cursors (`mdb_cursor`).  The proxy objects are available if you use

## The environment

The first step is to create an "environment"; this holds one or
more "databases" (though in the most simple case you can forget
that detail and just treat the environment as a database).
``` {r }
env <- thor::mdb_env(tempfile())

The first argument to thor::mdb_env is the filename - this is a directory where the database files will be kept. Here I am using a temporary file for the database.

As an R6 object, the database environment has a number of methods that can be used to perform actions on the database. The print method groups these by theme:


The last group Helpers are wrappers that let you ignore the transactional nature of LMDB if you just want to do really simple things.

The database is currently empty:


But we can add some data to it:

for (i in 1:10) {

Now there are 10 keys in the database, each holding a value:

keys <- env$list()

LMDB stores keys in sorted order (not necessarily R's sorted order - you can see how LMDB sorts things with the cmp method of a transaction - see ?mdb_txn), so list will return things in that order.

Each key has a value (in this case just a hex string)


Delete a key with


and now there are only 9 keys


Test for existence of a key with exists


The mget method will get multiple keys at once, mset will set multiple key/value pairs at once and mdel will delete multiple keys at once.


For anything more complicated than this you would want to use transactions (see below).

The Informational methods all return information about the state of the LMDB environment;

The path that the data is stored in


which will contain two files - the actual data and a lock file (see lmdb's documentation for more on these).


Flags that the environment was opened with (this corresponds to the arguments to the thor::mdb_env function)


A couple of different forms of (somewhat cryptic) information about the state of the environment


(Note entries in env$stat() is the number of keys in the database)


LMDB is transactional; everything that happens to the database, read or write, happens as a transaction. For a write transaction either the whole transaction happens or none of it happens. For both read and write transactions, the "view" of the database is consistent from the beginning to the end of a transaction. So if you have a read transaction and while it is doing things a write transaction writes to the database, the read transaction does not "see" these changes. You can only have one write transaction at once, but as many read transactions as you'd like.

txn <- env$begin(write = TRUE)

As for mdb_env, the transaction object prints methods grouped by theme


Simple operations (put, get, del, etc)

To insert data into the database, use the put method

txn$put("key", "value") get it back out again, use the get method

txn$get("key") delete it, use the del method, which returns TRUE if the object was deleted and FALSE if not


To test if an key exists or not, use the exists method (which uses a cursor internally - see below)


The helper functions mget, mput and mdel functions do get / put and del to multiple keys at once, more efficiently than looping in R:

values <- ids::sentence(length(keys), style = "sentence")
txn$mput(keys, values)

To list keys, use list


And to fetch multiple values (as_raw is explained below)

txn$mget(keys[1:3], as_raw = FALSE)

Or delete multiple values


exists is itself always vectorised


Because the database is transactional, we can now either use txn$commit() to save the changes or txn$abort() to discard the changes.

Multiple transactions at once

As well as being able to roll back a transaction, the other function they serve is that each transaction gets a consistent view of the database. At this point we have one write transaction running, but it's not committed yet. So if we start another transaction, it will not see any of the uncommitted "changes" that our transaction has made:

txn_new <- env$begin()

(or equivalently, env$list()). Because of the design of LMDB, you cannot have multiple active write transactions at once ``` {r error = TRUE} env$put("key", "value")

``` {r error = TRUE}
env$begin(write = TRUE)

(if a write transaction is made by another process against the same LMDB database, then it will wait for our transaction to complete before its write transaction will start - this will cause R to be unresponsive during this time)

Let's commit the changes made:


After being committed a transaction cannot be reused: ``` {r error = TRUE} txn$list()

New transactions can now see the changes
``` {r }

But importantly old ones can't


This is because the old transaction has a consistent view of the database - from the point that it starts to the point that it ends, a read-only transaction will see the same data and a read-write transaction will only see changes that it has made.

(cleaning things up a little)


Non-string data

thor (and LMDB) can handle two types of data; strings (as above) and raw vectors. Raw vectors can be used to serialise R objects using serialize, which allows storing of arbitrary data. This is the approach taken by redux among other packages.

All strings can be represented in raw vectors but the reverse is not true; character strings may not contain the null byte and the resulting string may not make sense. thor uses the presence of a null byte as a heuristic when it needs to test if a value is raw or not.

So the string "hello" can be converted to raw:


But the set of bytes 2a 00 ff cannot be: ``` {r error = TRUE} rawToChar(as.raw(c(42, 0, 255)))

This poses some problems for specifying and predicting return
types, which will be explored below. thor tries hard to set the
return type predictably; a few boolean arguments to the function
determine the type rather than the contents of the data.
``` {r }
txn <- env$begin(write = TRUE)

First, this is why one might want to store raw data in a database. Suppose we want to store the contents of mtcars as a value. It's not a string so we can't do ``` {r error = TRUE} txn$put("mtcars", mtcars)

First we should _serialise_ it to raw:
``` {r }
mtcars_ser <- serialize(mtcars, NULL)

which creates a fairly long string of bytes


converting back from this to an R object is easy with unserialize

identical(unserialize(mtcars_ser), mtcars)

txn$put("mtcars", mtcars_ser)

When fetching the data, thor will work out that this is raw data and return a raw vector:


So we can now store and retrieve arbitrary R objects into the database.

identical(unserialize(txn$get("mtcars")), mtcars)

Automatic type detection is a mixed blessing (like pitfalls with sapply) and thor provides mechanisms for taming it.

Here are two values as raw vectors - one that can be converted to a string and one that can't

bytes <- as.raw(c(42, 0, 255))
string <- charToRaw("hello!")

txn$put("bytes", bytes)
txn$put("string", string)

The value of the return type is determined both by the value of the object and by the value of the argument as_raw.

| stored | as_raw | result | |---------|-----------|------------| | string | NULL | character | | string | FALSE | character | | string | TRUE | raw | | bytes | NULL | character | | bytes | FALSE | error | | bytes | TRUE | raw |

for example


is character because as_raw is NULL and the value can be represented as a string, while


is raw because the value cannot be represented as a string. Specifying as_raw = TRUE will always return raw because everything can be represented as raw. And specifying as_raw = FALSE will throw an error for a value that cannot be converted into a string.

For mget, it's a bit trickier because we need to check every value as they come out to see if it's a string or a character. The rules here are:

| stored | as_raw | container | contents | |---------|-----------|-----------|-------------| | string | NULL | list | character | | string | FALSE | character | (character) | | string | TRUE | list | raw | | bytes | NULL | list | raw | | bytes | FALSE | error | (error) | | bytes | TRUE | list | raw | | mixed | NULL | list | mixed | | mixed | FALSE | error | (error) | | mixed | NULL | list | raw |

That is, if as_raw = FALSE we return a character or error if this is not possible, otherwise (as_raw = TRUE, as_raw = NULL) we always return a list. This should make programming with because the value of as_raw entirely predicts the container type. Within the container, the rule for contents is the same as for get().

So, the default (as_raw = NULL) returns a list with auto-detected types for each element:

txn$mget(c("string", "bytes"))

Or we could get both as raw

txn$mget(c("string", "bytes"), as_raw = TRUE)

But because one of the values is binary, we can't do this: ``` {r error = TRUE} txn$mget(c("string", "bytes"), as_raw = FALSE)

But if we only pull strings it's ok:
``` {r }
txn$mget(c("string", "string"), as_raw = FALSE)



LMDB will allow multiple process to access the database at the same time, but enforce only one write transaction. However to make that work relies on file locking. The LMDB documentation covers issues around more detail - all the issues there apply to thor, though some of them are ensured by the thor's design (and because R is single threaded some do not really affect us).

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thor documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:08 a.m.