## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
message = FALSE
## ----grouping-example, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------
# library(threesixtygiving)
# library(dplyr) ## A package used to manipulate and process data
# # Download all the grant data available.
# # It comes out in a list of tibbles but that's not a problem:
# grants <- tsg_all_grants(timeout = 10, retries = 0)
# # Get just the core data required by the 360Giving standard.
# # Convert that list of tibbles into a tidy format:
# all_data <- tsg_core_data(grants)
# avg_size <- all_data %>% #This %>% thing is a called a pipe. Pipes are love. Pipes are life.
# filter(currency == "GBP") %>% # Filter out non-£ data
# group_by(funding_org_name) %>% # Group all the funders together
# summarise(avg = mean(amount_awarded)) # Get the average of given value for each group, kinda like =AVERAGEIFS in Excel.
# avg_size
# # # A tibble: 109 x 2
# # funding_org_name avg
# # <chr> <dbl>
# # 1 A B Charitable Trust 13714.
# # 2 Barrow Cadbury Trust 35889.
# # 3 BBC Children in Need 55968.
# # 4 Birmingham City Council 32097.
# # 5 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, UK Branch 34352.
# # 6 Camden Giving 18254.
# # 7 Cheshire Community Foundation 6027.
# # 8 City Bridge Trust 81381.
# # 9 Cloudesley 14441.
# # 10 Co-operative Group 3238.
# # # ... with 99 more rows
## ----packages, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
# library(threesixtygiving)
# library(ggrepel)
# library(readr)
# library(purrr)
# library(dplyr)
# library(stringr)
# library(ggplot2)
## ----retrieve-grants, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
# grants <- tsg_all_grants(timeout = 8, retries = 1)
## ----save-grants, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE-----------------------------------
# library(readr)
# write_rds(grants, "grants.rds")
## ----read-in-grant-rds, include=FALSE, eval=FALSE-----------------------------
# grants <- read_rds("grants.rds")
## ----missing-data, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# tsg_missing(grants)
# # # A tibble: 7 x 14
# # title description identifier license license_name issued modified download_url access_url data_type
# # <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# # 1 Gran~ "" a001p0000~ https:~ Creative Co~ 2019-~ 2019-11~ https://jof~ https://j~ xlsx
# # 2 Gran~ "" a00240000~ https:~ Creative Co~ 2017-~ 2018-08~ https://pea~ https://p~ xlsx
# # 3 Gran~ "" a00240000~ https:~ Creative Co~ 2017-~ 2018-08~ https://pea~ https://p~ xlsx
# # 4 Gran~ "" a001p0000~ https:~ Creative Co~ 2018-~ 2019-03~ https://pea~ https://p~ xlsx
# # 5 Gran~ "" a001p0000~ https:~ Creative Co~ 2018-~ 2019-08~ https://tud~ https://t~ xlsx
# # 6 True~ "" a00240000~ https:~ Creative Co~ 2016-~ 2018-08~ http://ods.~ http://ww~ unknown
# # 7 Wood~ "" a001p0000~ https:~ Creative Co~ 2017-~ 2018-08~ http://ods.~ http://ww~ unknown
# # # ... with 4 more variables: publisher_name <chr>, publisher_website <chr>, publisher_logo <chr>,
# # # publisher_prefix <chr>
## ----core-data, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
# df <- tsg_core_data(grants)
# df2 <- df %>%
# mutate(amount_awarded = case_when(
# currency == "USD" ~ amount_awarded/1.3044, ## rate on 2020-01-17
# currency == "CAD" ~ amount_awarded/1.7017,
# currency == "CHF" ~ amount_awarded/1.2630,
# currency == "EUR" ~ amount_awarded/1.1750,
# TRUE ~ amount_awarded)) %>%
# group_by(funding_org_name) %>%
# summarise(n = n(),
# amount_awarded = sum(amount_awarded)) %>%
# mutate(avg = amount_awarded/n)
## ----award-differences, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------
# proc_df <- tsg_process_data(grants)
# proc_amount_df <- proc_df %>%
# select(identifier, title, description, funding_org_name,
# amount_awarded, amount_applied_for) %>%
# mutate_at(.vars = vars(amount_awarded, amount_applied_for), as.numeric) %>%
# mutate(difference = amount_awarded-amount_applied_for,
# percentage_of = amount_awarded/amount_applied_for) %>%
# filter(!, amount_applied_for > 2500,
# amount_awarded > 2500,
# percent_rank(difference) >= 0.02 &
# percent_rank(difference) <= 0.98) %>% ## remove outliers
# mutate(difference = round(difference))
# count0 <- proc_amount_df %>%
# filter(difference==0) %>%
# tally()
# p4 <- ggplot(proc_amount_df %>% filter(difference != 0),
# aes(x = difference)) +
# geom_freqpoly(bins = 100) +
# geom_label_repel(
# aes(x = 0, y = 4000,
# label = paste0(scales::comma(n),
# " applications awarded exact amount applied for")),
# data = count0) +
# scale_color_viridis_c() +
# scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
# scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::dollar_format(prefix = "£"),
# breaks = c(-20000, -10000, -5000, -2500,
# 0, 2500, 5000, 7500)) +
# labs(x = "Difference between Award and Application Amount",
# y = "Number of Grants",
# caption = "(c) Evan Odell | Disability Rights UK | 2020 | CC-BY-SA
# Data from 360Giving")
# p4
## ----award-differences-save, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE------------------------
# ggsave("vignettes/grant-diff-value.png", p4, type = "cairo",
# width = 20, height = 18, units = "cm", dpi = 96)
## ----percentage-awarded, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------
# p5 <- ggplot(proc_amount_df %>%
# filter(difference != 0, percentage_of != Inf),
# aes(x = percentage_of)) +
# geom_freqpoly(bins = 200) +
# geom_label_repel(
# aes(x = 1, y = 3000, hjust = 1,
# label = paste0(scales::comma(n),
# " applications awarded exact amount applied for")),
# data = count0) +
# scale_color_viridis_c() +
# scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
# scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent,
# breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2)) +
# labs(x = "Award size as percentage of amount applied for",
# y = "Number of Grants",
# caption = "(c) Evan Odell | Disability Rights UK | 2020 | CC-BY-SA
# Data from 360Giving")
# p5
## ----percentage-awardeds-save, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE----------------------
# ggsave("vignettes/grant-diff-perc.png", p5, type = "cairo",
# width = 20, height = 18, units = "cm", dpi = 96)
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