tibbleOne-package: tibbleOne: tidy characteristics tables

Description Author(s)


In many academic papers, table 1 shows participant characteristics, often stratified by a categorical variable such as treatment group. There are many excellent packages available to compute the numbers in table 1. This package focuses on getting those numbers into a nice format that works with R Markdown. Additionally, there is a fair amount of diversity in researchers' preferred writing mediums. Some may prefer LaTeX, while others want to work in Microsoft Word. Recently, html documents have grown more common for research papers. tibbleOne is meant to be applicable for each of these settings, and should meet the needs of most studies.

To learn more about tibbleOne, start with the vignettes: browseVignettes(package = "tibbleOne")


Maintainer: Byron Jaeger bcjaeger@uab.edu (ORCID)

Other contributors:

tibbleOne documentation built on Jan. 29, 2020, 5:07 p.m.