make_binary_word: Convert a "choose all that apply" Question Into a Binary Word

View source: R/make_binary_word.R

make_binary_wordR Documentation

Convert a "choose all that apply" Question Into a Binary Word


This function takes a data frame holding binary variables with values corresponding to a dummy-coded "choose all that apply" question. It can be used for any binary word problem.


make_binary_word(df, yes_value = "Checked", the_labels = letters)



A data frame with the variables corresponding to binary indicators (the dummy coded variables) for a "choose all that apply" question.


A character string that corresponds to choosing "yes" in the binary variables of df. Defaults to the REDCap "Checked" option.


A character vector of single letters holding the letters used to make the binary word. See the article/vignette called "Make Binary Word" for an example:


A character vector with length equal to the rows of df, including one letter or underscore for each column of df. For instance, if df has one column for each of the eight options of the Nacho Craving Index example instrument (, with a row containing the values "Chips" (checked), "Yellow cheese" (unchecked), "Orange cheese" (checked), "White cheese" (checked), "Meat" (checked), "Beans" (unchecked), "Tomatoes" (unchecked) and "Peppers" (checked), then the character string corresponding to that row will be "a_cde__h". The underscores represent that the options for "Yellow cheese", "Beans", and "Tomatoes" were left unchecked.


test_df <- tibble::tibble(
  q1 = c("Unchecked", "Checked"),
  q2 = c("Unchecked", "Unchecked"),
  q3 = c("Checked", "Checked"),
  q4 = c("Checked", "Unchecked")

tidyREDCap documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:03 p.m.