
Defines functions gather_rvars_ gather_rvars

Documented in gather_rvars

# gather_rvars
# Author: mjskay

# gather_rvars ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname spread_rvars
#' @importFrom rlang enquos
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join
#' @export
gather_rvars = function(model, ..., ndraws = NULL, seed = NULL) {
  draws = sample_draws_from_rvars_(model, ndraws, seed)

  list_of_list_of_rvar_tibbles = lapply(enquos(...), function(variable_spec) {
    spec = parse_variable_spec(variable_spec)
    gather_rvars_(draws, spec)
  list_of_rvar_tibbles = unlist(list_of_list_of_rvar_tibbles, recursive = FALSE)

  out = bind_rows(list_of_rvar_tibbles)


gather_rvars_ = function(draws, spec) {
  variable_names = spec[[1]]

  # gather_rvars uses a long format so we'll pull out each variable individually
  lapply(variable_names, function(variable_name) {
    spec[[1]] = variable_name
    rvar_tibble = spread_rvars_(draws, spec)

    # rename variable to ".value" and add a ".variable" column
    rvar_tibble[[".variable"]] = variable_name
    rvar_tibble[[".value"]] = rvar_tibble[[variable_name]]
    rvar_tibble[[variable_name]] = NULL

    # .stub col is not needed for gather_rvars (it's used for joins)
    rvar_tibble[[".stub"]] = NULL


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tidybayes documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 9:08 a.m.