Man pages for tidydice
Simulates Dice Rolls and Coin Flips

binomBinomial distribution as table.
binom_coinBinomial distribution of flipping a coin.
binom_diceBinomial distribution of rolling a dice.
circle_pointsHelper function to draw a circle
flip_coinSimulating flipping a coin.
force_coinForce a coin flipping result.
force_diceForce a dice rolling result.
parse_dice_formulaGiven a dice formula string, split it and return a dataframe...
parse_dice_formula_partHelper function to parse a dice formula
plot_binomPlot a binomial distribution.
plot_coinPlot result of flip_coin()
plot_dicePlot result of roll_dice()
plot_single_coinDraw a single coin
plot_single_diceDraw a single dice
roll_diceSimulating rolling a dice.
roll_dice_formulaSimulating rolling a dice, using a formula
top_n_diceHelper function to get sum of top n dice
tidydice documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:50 p.m.