Man pages for tidyft
Fast and Memory Efficient Data Operations in Tidy Syntax

arrangeArrange entries in data.frame
as_fstSave a data.frame as a fst table
completeComplete a data frame with missing combinations of data
countCount observations by group
cummeanCumulative mean
distinctSelect distinct/unique rows in data.table
drop_delete_naDrop or delete data by rows or columns
dummyFast creation of dummy variables
fillFill in missing values with previous or next value
filterFilter entries in data.frame
fstParse,inspect and extract data.table from fst file
fst_ioRead and write fst files
groupGroup by one or more variables
joinJoin tables
lag_leadFast lead/lag for vectors
long_widePivot data between long and wide
mutateCreate or transform variables
nestNest and unnest
nthExtract the nth value from a vector
object_sizeNice printing of report the Space Allocated for an Object
pullPull out a single variable
read_csvConvenient file reader
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
relocateChange column order
replace_varsFast value replacement in data frame
rowwiseComputation by rows
selectSelect/rename variables by name
separateSeparate a character column into two columns using a regular...
sliceSubset rows using their positions
summariseSummarise columns to single values
sys_time_printConvenient print of time taken
tidymatConversion between tidy table and named matrix
uncount"Uncount" a data frame
uniteUnite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together
utf8_encodingUse UTF-8 for character encoding in a data frame
tidyft documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 1:27 a.m.