Man pages for tidyhte
Tidy Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

add_effect_diagnosticAdd an additional diagnostic to the effect model
add_effect_modelAdd an additional model to the joint effect ensemble
add_known_propensity_scoreUses a known propensity score
add_moderatorAdds moderators to the configuration
add_outcome_diagnosticAdd an additional diagnostic to the outcome model
add_outcome_modelAdd an additional model to the outcome ensemble
add_propensity_diagnosticAdd an additional diagnostic to the propensity score
add_propensity_score_modelAdd an additional model to the propensity score ensemble
add_vimpAdds variable importance information
attach_configAttach an 'HTE_cfg' to a dataframe
basic_configCreate a basic config for HTE estimation
calculate_ateCalculates a SATE and a PATE using AIPW
calculate_diagnosticsCalculate diagnostics
calculate_linear_vimpCalculate Linear Variable Importance of HTEs
calculate_pcate_quantitiesCalculate "partial" CATE estimates
calculate_rrocRegression ROC Curve calculation
calculate_vimpCalculate Variable Importance of HTEs
check_data_has_hte_cfgChecks that a dataframe has an attached configuration for...
check_identifierChecks that an appropriate identifier has been provided
check_nuisance_modelsChecks that nuisance models have been estimated and exist in...
check_splitsChecks that splits have been properly created.
check_weightsChecks that an appropriate weighting variable has been...
Constant_cfgConfiguration of a Constant Estimator
construct_pseudo_outcomesConstruct Pseudo-outcomes
Diagnostics_cfgConfiguration of Model Diagnostics
estimate_diagnosticFunction to calculate diagnostics based on model outputs
estimate_QoIEstimate Quantities of Interest
fit_effectFits a treatment effect model using the appropriate settings
fit_fx_predictorFit a predictor for treatment effects
fit_pluginFits a plugin model using the appropriate settings
fit_plugin_AFits a propensity score model using the appropriate settings
fit_plugin_YFits a T-learner using the appropriate settings
FX.PredictorPredictor class for the cross-fit predictor of "partial"...
HTE_cfgConfiguration of Quantities of Interest
HTEFoldR6 class to represent partitions of the data between training...
KernelSmooth_cfgConfiguration for a Kernel Smoother
Known_cfgConfiguration of Known Model
listwise_deletionRemoves rows which have missing data on any of the supplied...
make_splitsDefine splits for cross-fitting
MCATE_cfgConfiguration of Marginal CATEs
Model_cfgBase Class of Model Configurations
Model_dataR6 class to represent data to be used in estimating a model
PCATE_cfgConfiguration of Partial CATEs
predict.SL.glmnet.interactionPrediction for an SL.glmnet object
produce_plugin_estimatesEstimate models of nuisance functions
QoI_cfgConfiguration of Quantities of Interest
remove_vimpRemoves variable importance information
SLEnsemble_cfgConfiguration for a SuperLearner Ensemble
SL.glmnet.interactionElastic net regression with pairwise interactions
SLLearner_cfgConfiguration of SuperLearner Submodel
split_dataPartition the data into folds
Stratified_cfgConfiguration for a Stratification Estimator
tidyhte-packagetidyhte: Tidy Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
VIMP_cfgConfiguration of Variable Importance
tidyhte documentation built on Aug. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.