Man pages for tidytuesdayR
Access the Weekly 'TidyTuesday' Project Dataset

gh_getGet data from the tt github repo.
last_tuesdayFind the most recent tuesday
pipePipe operator
printingprint methods of the tt objects
readmeReadme HTML maker and Viewer
shared-paramsParameters used in multiple functions
should_update_tt_master_fileDecide whether to update the master file
tidytuesdayR-packagetidytuesdayR: Access the Weekly 'TidyTuesday' Project Dataset
tt_availableListing all available TidyTuesdays
tt_check_dateGenerate valid TidyTuesday URL
tt_compileGet TidyTuesday readme and list of files and HTML based on...
tt_dateGet date of TidyTuesday, given the year and week
tt_downloadDownload TidyTuesday data
tt_download_fileDownload a TidyTuesday dataset file
tt_loadLoad TidyTuesday data from Github
tt_load_ghLoad TidyTuesday data from Github
tt_master_fileGet Master List of Files from TidyTuesday
tt_printPrinting Utilities for Listing Available Datasets
use_tidytemplateCall and open the tidytemplate
tidytuesdayR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:08 a.m.