Man pages for timekit
A Collection of Tools for Working with Time Series in R

timekittimekit: a toolkit for time series
timekit_internalInternal Functions Used in timekit
tk_augment_timeseriesAugment the time series signature to the data
tk_get_timeseriesGet summary attributes from a time-series index
tk_get_timeseries_unit_frequencyGet the timeseries unit frequency for the primary time scales
tk_get_timeseries_variablesGet date or datetime variables (column names)
tk_indexExtract an index of date or datetime from time series...
tk_make_future_timeseriesMake a future time series from an existing time series
tk_tblCoerce time-series objects to tibble.
tk_tsCoerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time...
tk_xtsCoerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time...
tk_zooCoerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time...
tk_zooregCoerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time...
timekit documentation built on July 4, 2017, 9:45 a.m.