timsac 1.3.8-4

timsac 1.3.8-3

timsac 1.3.8-2

Defined method for S3 classes 'decomp' and 'specmx'.

timsac 1.3.8-1

timsac 1.3.8

timsac 1.3.7

If attributes of the input time series are required, set the start time and frequency using ts() or tsp().

timsac 1.3.6

timsac 1.3.5

timsac 1.3.4

timsac 1.3.3-2

timsac 1.3.3

timsac 1.3.2

timsac 1.3.1

timsac 1.3.0

timsac 1.2.8

timsac 1.2.7

timsac 1.2.6

timsac 1.2.5

The following warnings were found in 00install.out (GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.7.0) : Warning: Rank mismatch in argument nh at (1) (rank-1 and scalar)

The following warnings were found in 00install.out (GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.7.0) :

    Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'param' at (1) (scalar and rank-1)

    Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'param' at (1) (scalar and rank-1)

timsac 1.2.4

timsac 1.2.3

timsac 1.2.2

timsac 1.2.1

timsac 1.2.0

timsac 1.1.4

timsac 1.1.3

timsac 1.1.2

timsac 1.1.1

timsac 1.1.0

timsac 1.0.1

(Reported by Makoto Kodama.)

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timsac documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 5:06 p.m.