aaa1_tinycodet_safer: Overview of the 'tinycodet' "Safer" Functionality

aaa1_tinycodet_saferR Documentation

Overview of the 'tinycodet' "Safer" Functionality


To help make your code safer, the 'tinycodet' R-package introduces a few functions:

  • Safer decimal (in)equality testing.

  • The lock_TF function to set and lock T and F to TRUE and FALSE, respectively.

  • The %<-c% operator to assign locked constants.

  • Standard evaluated versions of some common expression-evaluation functions:
    with_pro and aes_pro.

  • safer_partialmatch to set options for safer dollar, arguments, and attribute matching.

See Also



x <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.7)
y <- c(0.1*3, 0.1*6, 0.1*7)
x == y # gives FALSE, but should be TRUE
x %d==% y # here it's done correctly

tinycodet documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:03 a.m.