Man pages for tlemix
Trimmed Maximum Likelihood Estimation

dPoisMixture two Poisson Regression Models
estimateGetter for estimate object of TLE-ojbects.
flexmix.DensityModel driver for flexmix
flexmix.EstimateFlexible Mixture Estimation
FLXmclust.DensityModel driver for flexmix
FLXmclust.EstimateFlexible Mixture Estimation
gaussDataMixture of two standard normal distributions
McLachlan150Mixture of two standard normal distributions
plot-methodsPlot method for TLE-class objects.
summarySummary method for TLE-class objects.
summary.TLE-classClass "summary.TLE"
TLETrimmed Likelihood Estimator
TLE-classClass "TLE"
TLE-methodsMethods for Function TLE in Package 'tlemix'
tlemix-packageTLE - Robust Estimation of Mixture Models using the Fast-TLE...
tleplot2D Scatterplot with cluster membership indications
tlemix documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:57 a.m.