Man pages for tlsh
Transitive Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) for Record Linkage

block.ids.from.blockingReturns the block ids associated with a blocking method.
block_setup_v2Function that divides all records into bins using locality...
compare_bucketsFunction that creates a similarity graph and divides it into...
confusion.from.blockingPerform evaluations (recall) for blocking.
eval.blocksetupFunction to evaluate the blocking step
extract_pairs_from_bandFunction that extracts pairs of records from a band in the...
hash_signatureFunction to take a signature matrix M composed of b bands and...
minhash_v2Function to create a matrix of minhashed signatures
my_hashFunction that applies a hash function to each column of the...
primestFunction to generate all primes larger than an integer n1...
reduction.ratioReturns the reduction ratio associated with a blocking method
reduction.ratio.from.blockingReturns the reduction ratio associated with a blocking method
rhash_funcsFunction to generate a vector of random hash functions (or...
shingled_record_to_index_vecFunction to convert to tell what index the shingle...
shinglesFunction to shingle (token or gram) a string into its k...
tlsh documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 9:15 a.m.