Man pages for tmaptools
Thematic Map Tools

approx_areasApproximate area sizes of the shapes
approx_distancesApproximate distances
bbBounding box generator
bb_polyConvert bounding box to a spatial polygon
calc_densitiesCalculate densities
crop_shapeCrop shape object
deprecated_functionsDeprecated tmaptools functions
geocode_OSMGeocodes a location using OpenStreetMap Nominatim
get_asp_ratioGet aspect ratio
get_brewer_palGet and plot a (modified) Color Brewer palette
get_neighboursGet neighbours list from spatial objects
map_coloringMap coloring
palette_explorerExplore color palettes
pipePipe operator
read_GPXRead GPX file
read_osmRead Open Street Map data
rev_geocode_OSMReverse geocodes a location using OpenStreetMap Nominatim
simplify_shapeSimplify shape
tmaptools-packageThematic Map Tools
tmaptools documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 1:07 a.m.