Man pages for tmle
Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation

calcParametersCalculate Parameter Estimates (calcParameters)
calcSigmaCalculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for MSM Parameters...
estimateGEstimate Treatment or Missingness Mechanism
estimateQInitial Estimation of Q portion of the Likelihood
fevForced Expiratory Volume (FEV) Data (fev)
oneStepATTCalculate Additive treatment effect among the treated...
summary.tmleSummarization of the results of a call to the tmle routine
summary.tmleMSMSummarization of the results of a call to the tmleMSM...
tmleTargeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
tmleMSMTargeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Parameter of MSM
tmleNewsShow the NEWS file (tmleNews)
tmle-packageTargeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Super Learning
tmle.Sl.dbarts2Super Learner wrappers for modeling and prediction using...
tmle documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:38 a.m.