Man pages for topicdoc
Topic-Specific Diagnostics for LDA and CTM Topic Models

coherenceHelper function for calculating coherence for a single...
contain_equal_docsHelper function to check that a topic model and a dtm contain...
dist_from_corpusCalculate the distance of each topic from the overall corpus...
doc_prominenceCalculate the document prominence of each topic in a topic...
mean_token_lengthCalculate the average token length for each topic in a topic...
n_topicsHelper function to determine the number of topics in a topic...
tf_df_distCalculate the distance between token and document frequencies
tf_df_dist_diffHelper function to calculate the Hellinger distance between...
topic_coherenceCalculate the topic coherence for each topic in a topic model
topic_diagnosticsCalculate diagnostics for each topic in a topic model
topic_exclusivityCalculate the exclusivity of each topic in a topic model
topic_sizeCalculate the size of each topic in a topic model
topicdoc documentation built on July 17, 2022, 1:05 a.m.