Man pages for tosca
Tools for Statistical Content Analysis

as.corpus.textmetaTransform textmeta to corpus
as.meta"meta" Component of "textmeta"-Objects
as.textmeta.corpusTransform corpus to textmeta
cleanTextsData Preprocessing
clusterTopicsCluster Analysis
deleteAndRenameDuplicatesDeletes and Renames Articles with the same ID
duplistCreating List of Duplicates
filterCountSubcorpus With Count Filter
filterDateSubcorpus With Date Filter
filterIDSubcorpus With ID Filter
filterWordSubcorpus With Word Filter
intruderTopicsFunction to validate the fit of the LDA model
intruderWordsFunction to validate the fit of the LDA model
LDAgenFunction to fit LDA model
LDAprepCreate Lda-ready Dataset
makeWordlistCounts Words in Text Corpora
mergeLDAPreparation of Different LDAs For Clustering
mergeTextmetaMerge Textmeta Objects
plotAreaPlotting topics over time as stacked areas below plotted...
plotFreqPlotting Counts of specified Wordgroups over Time (relative...
plotHeatPlotting Topics over Time relative to Corpus
plotScotPlots Counts of Documents or Words over Time (relative to...
plotTopicPlotting Counts of Topics over Time (Relative to Corpus)
plotTopicWordPlotting Counts of Topics-Words-Combination over Time...
plotWordptPlots Counts of Topics-Words-Combination over Time (Relative...
plotWordSubPlotting Counts/Proportion of Words/Docs in LDA-generated...
precisionRecallPrecision and Recall
readTextmetaRead Corpora as CSV
readWhatsAppRead WhatsApp files
readWikiRead Pages from Wikipedia
readWikinewsRead files from Wikinews
removeXMLRemoves XML/HTML Tags and Umlauts
samplingSample Texts
showMetaExport Readable Meta-Data of Articles.
showTextsExports Readable Text Lists
tidy.textmetaTransform textmeta to an object with tidy text data
topicCoherenceCalculating Topic Coherence
topicsInTextColoring the words of a text corresponding to topic...
topTextsGet The IDs Of The Most Representive Texts
topWordsTop Words per Topic
tosca documentation built on Oct. 28, 2021, 5:07 p.m.