Man pages for treeclim
Numerical Calibration of Proxy-Climate Relationships

abbrev_nameShorten month names
apply_var_names(re)name climate variable
as_tcclimateCreate the correct data format for variable selection
check_monthsCheck if all months are between -24 and 12 (previous and...
correct_continuousCorrect continuous month specifications
dccResponse and correlation function analysis
dlmDendro-flavoured linear model
eval_selectionEval a single list of specifications
exclude_fromExclude months from analysis
format_monthGet positions and names for months
g_testGershunov test for spurious low-frequency modulations
init_boot_datainitialize data structure for bootstrapping
is_continuousCheck if month specification is continuous
make_pmatMake list of parameter matrices from climate input data
make_range_listdeconstruct call to modifier into list
muc_climMonthly Mean Temperature and Total Precipitation for...
muc_fakeModeled Tree-Ring Chronology of a Spruce Population near...
muc_spruceTree-Ring Chronology of a Spruce Population near Munich
norw015Tree-Ring Chronology of a Pine Population at Visdalen, Norway
norway_precMonthly Precipitation Sums for Norway
norway_tempMonthly Temperature Means for Norway
ptestSignificance test for bootstrapped coefficients
rt_precMonthly Precipitation Sums for Rothenburg ob der Tauber,...
rt_spruceTree-Ring Chronology of a Spruce Population at Rothenburg ob...
rt_tempMonthly Temperature Means for Rothenburg ob der Tauber,...
seascorrSeasonal (partial) correlation analysis
shift_yearshifts a month 0, 1, or 2 years back
skillsEvaluate reconstruction skills using split-calibration
spai020Tree-Ring Chronology of a Pine Population at Penota, Spain
spain_precMonthly Precipitation Sums for Spain
spain_tempMonthly Temperature Means for Spain
tc_correlation(bootstrapped) correlation function
tc_designDeparse list structure from month specification and return...
tc_efuncevolving response and correlation function
tc_mfuncmoving response and correlation function
tc_response(bootstrapped) response function
traceplotTrace the temporal development of response or correlation...
treeclim-modifiersModifiers for climate parameter selection
treeclim-shiftersShift months one or two years back
truncate_inputTruncate climate and tree data to common interval
unify_selectionunify selections to handle "classic" (bootRes-style)...
treeclim documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:22 p.m.