Man pages for treesitter
Bindings to 'Tree-Sitter'

is_languageIs 'x' a language?
is_nodeIs 'x' a node?
is_parserIs 'x' a parser?
is_queryIs 'x' a query?
is_treeIs 'x' a tree?
language_field_countLanguage field count
language_field_id_for_nameLanguage field identifiers
language_field_name_for_idLanguage field names
language_nameLanguage name
language_next_stateLanguage state advancement
language_state_countLanguage state count
language_symbol_countLanguage symbol count
language_symbol_for_nameLanguage symbols
language_symbol_nameLanguage symbol names
node-childGet a node's child by index
node-child-by-fieldGet a node's child by field id or name
node-child-countGet a node's child count
node-childrenGet a node's children
node-descendantNode descendants
node_descendant_countNode descendant count
node_field_name_for_childGet a child's field name by index
node-first-child-byteGet the first child that extends beyond the given byte offset
node-grammarNode grammar types and symbols
node_languageGet a node's underlying language
node-locationNode byte and point accessors
node-metadataNode metadata
node_parentGet a node's parent
node-parse-stateNode parse states
node_raw_s_expression"Raw" S-expression
node_show_s_expressionPretty print a 'node"s s-expression
node-siblingNode sibling accessors
node_symbolNode symbol
node_textGet a node's underlying text
node_typeNode type
node_walkGenerate a 'TreeCursor' iterator
parserCreate a new parser
parser-adjustmentsParser adjustments
parser-parseParse or reparse text
query-accessorsQuery accessors
query-matches-and-capturesQuery matches and captures
text_parseParse a snippet of text
tree-accessorsTree accessors
TreeCursorTree cursors
tree_root_nodeRetrieve the root node of the tree
tree_root_node_with_offsetRetrieve an offset root node
treesitter-packagetreesitter: Bindings to 'Tree-Sitter'
tree_walkGenerate a 'TreeCursor' iterator
x_tree_sitter_nodeHelper page for consistent documentation
x_tree_sitter_parserHelper page for consistent documentation
x_tree_sitter_queryHelper page for consistent documentation
x_tree_sitter_treeHelper page for consistent documentation
treesitter documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.