treesitter-package: treesitter: Bindings to 'Tree-Sitter'

treesitter-packageR Documentation

treesitter: Bindings to 'Tree-Sitter'


Provides bindings to 'Tree-sitter', an incremental parsing system for programming tools. 'Tree-sitter' builds concrete syntax trees for source files of any language, and can efficiently update those syntax trees as the source file is edited. It also includes a robust error recovery system that provides useful parse results even in the presence of syntax errors.


Maintainer: Davis Vaughan

Other contributors:

  • Posit Software, PBC [copyright holder, funder]

  • Tree-sitter authors (Tree-sitter C library) [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

treesitter documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.