API for tribe
Play with the Tribe of Attributes

Global functions
%<@>% Man page
%@% Man page
%@>% Man page
%try>% Man page
at_mutate Man page Source code
at_mutate_ Man page Source code
at_mutate_impl Source code
at_rename Man page Source code
at_rename_ Man page Source code
at_select Man page Source code
at_select_ Man page Source code
at_slice Man page Source code
at_slice_ Man page Source code
insertPipeWithAttributesPropagationAddin Source code
is_empty Source code
is_first Source code
is_function Source code
is_parenthesized Source code
is_pipe Source code
make_pipe Man page Source code
nlist Source code
prepare_function Source code
reexports Man page
shield Man page Source code
split_chain Source code
stick_to Man page Source code
stick_to_ Man page Source code
tribe Man page Source code
tribe<- Man page
unstick Man page Source code
untribe Man page Source code
wrap_function Source code
tribe documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 1:24 a.m.