TernaryNearest: For Ternary Coordinates P Return the Nearest Coordinate in...

TernaryNearestR Documentation

For Ternary Coordinates P Return the Nearest Coordinate in Set C


For Ternary Coordinates P Return the Nearest Coordinate in Set C


TernaryNearest(P, C)


P, C

n by 3 matrix of ternary coordinates [p1, p2, p3](i) for i=1,...,n. n may be different for P and C.


n by 3 matrix of ternary coordinates in C.


# NOTE: only intended for internal use and not part of the API
P <- prop.table(matrix(runif(9), ncol = 3), 1)
C <- tricolore:::TernaryMeshCentroids(2)[,-1]
tricolore:::TernaryNearest(P, C)

tricolore documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:16 p.m.