Man pages for triggerstrategy
Trigger Strategy in Clinical Trials

alpha2boundaryConvert cumulative alpha levels to normal critical boundaries
boundary2alphaConvert normal critical boundaries to cumulative alpha...
corrMatGeneratorCorrelation matrix generator
gboundsCritical boundary in group sequential trials
marginalPwRMarginal Power Rate
psPwRbhmbPowers of testing the primary and secondary hypotheses
psPwRtriggerPowers of testing the primary and secondary hypotheses using...
sBoundsPh2Critical boundaries for the secondary endpoint in the...
sErrRphInt2Type I error rate of the overall null hypothesis using the...
solveAlphaXsampleSizeSample size calculation
solveAlphaXsampleSizeGASample size calculation using Genetic Algorithms
sPwRholmPower of testing the secondary hypothesis using Holm
sPwRholmyePower of testing the secondary hypothesis using Holm-Ye
sPwRnaiveBonfPower of testing the secondary hypothesis using Bonferroni
sPwRph2Power of testing the secondary hypothesis in partially...
sPwRtriggerPower of testing the secondary hypothesis using Trigger...
triggerstrategy documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:25 p.m.