Man pages for trinROC
Statistical Tests for Assessing Trinormal ROC Data

boot.testBootstrap test for three-class ROC data
boxcoxROCBox-Cox transformation on three-class ROC data
cancerSynthetic data set to investigate three-class ROC data.
emp.vusEmpirical VUS calculation
findmuDetermine equidistant means of trinormal ROC data simulation
krebsSynthetic small data set to investigate three-class ROC data.
roc3.testStatistical test function for computing multiple tests on...
roc.edaExploratory data analysis for a three-class ROC marker
rocsurf.empEmpirical ROC surface plot
rocsurf.trinTrinormal ROC surface plot
trinROC-packagetrinROC: Statistical Tests for Assessing Trinormal ROC Data
trinROC.testTrinormal based ROC test
trinVUS.testTrinormal VUS test
trinROC documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 1:12 a.m.