Appendix: Instructions for reproducing these analyses

Re-running the analysis requires only the truthiness package, which has the anonymized data included in the built-in data objects sessions, phases, ratings, and cjudgments. The package can be obtained from the project repository at

You can re-run the analysis either with or without a software container that encapsulates all the software needed for analysis. Using the software container is the only method guaranteed to exactly match the results obtained by the authors. Instructions are provided below for both methods.

Reproducing the analysis with the singularity software container

Make sure you have installed [Singularity version 3.5](

To re-run the full analysis, including the inferential statistics, use the makeit analysis command.

singularity exec library://dalejbarr/talklab/illusory-truth makeit analysis

This will save a file analysis.html with the analysis report, a binary image fitted_models.rds containing the fitted models, and two PNG plots. Note that the inferential statistics can take very long to run (~24 hours on a multi-core system, several days on a single core system).

Copying and editing the master R Markdown script

If you want to edit the master R Markdown script, the following command copies the script from the package into the file my_analysis.Rmd in the current working directory.

singularity exec library://dalejbarr/talklab/illusory-truth makeit draft OUT=my_analysis.Rmd

You can then render the script via the container using:

singularity exec library://dalejbarr/talklab/illusory-truth makeit render INFILE=my_analysis.Rmd

altering path-to-anonymized-data as required.

Reproducing the analysis without the singularity software container

The R Markdown source document used to create this file is included with the truthiness package (devtools::install_github("dalejbarr/truthiness")) that accompanies this project. The software versions required are shown in the Session Info section of this document. If any of your software does not match these versions, you are not guaranteed to match the results obtained by the authors.

If your only interest is in re-running the analysis, simply issue the following command within the R console. On a multi-core system, it is recommended that you install the R package {parallel} to speed up computation time.


Accessing the master R Markdown script through RStudio

If you are using RStudio, simply go to the pull down menu File -> New File... -> R Markdown..., choose "From Template" in the left-hand options box and then choose "Illusory Truth Analysis" from the list of available templates.

Compile the R Markdown document to HTML using the 'Knit' button in RStudio.

Accessing the master R Markdown script Without RStudio

The following command accesses the R Markdown script without RStudio.

rmarkdown::draft("my_analysis.Rmd", "illusory-truth-analysis", "truthiness")

This command will create the file my_analysis.Rmd in the working directory, which can then be edited and compiled.

Render to HTML using the following command from truthiness:

reproduce_analysis(infile = "my_analysis.Rmd")

See ?truthiness::reproduce_analysis for further options.

Try the truthiness package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

truthiness documentation built on May 24, 2021, 9:07 a.m.