The Truth Trajectory: Main Analysis"

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## shortcut for pretty printing for integers
.pi <- function(x) prettyNum(x, big.mark=',')

## write out results of statistical test
report <- function(betas, ser, chisq, df, p, eff, alpha = .05) {
  part1 <-
    if (p < alpha) {
      paste0("* There was a significant ", eff)
    } else {
      paste0("* The ", eff, " was not significant")
  part2 <-
    paste(paste(paste0("$\\hat{\\beta}_{", names(betas), "}"),
                sprintf("%0.3f$ $(SE=%0.3f)$", betas, ser), sep = "="),
          collapse = ", ")
  part3 <-
    sprintf("$\\chi^2(%d) = %0.3f$", df, chisq)
  part4 <-
    if (p < .001) {
      "$p < .001$."
    } else if (p > .999) {
      "$p > .999$."
    } else {
      sprintf("$p = %0.3f$.", p)
  paste(part1, part2, part3, part4, sep = ", ")

needed_pkgs <- c("truthiness", "ez", "emmeans", "ordinal",
                 "dplyr", "tibble", "tidyr", "readr", "ggplot2", "forcats")

.junk <- lapply(needed_pkgs, function(.x) {
  if (!requireNamespace(.x)) {
    stop("You must install the '", .x, "' package to run this analysis.")

parallel_installed <-
  if (requireNamespace("parallel")) {
  } else {
    warning("You can speed up computation by installing the 'parallel' package.")

Import and preprocess

## Load in the required add-on packages.


For information about the structure of the anonymized data files please see help("truth_trajectory_data", "truthiness"), which documents the data objects sessions, phases, ratings, and cjudgments.


The anonymized files contain r .pi(nrow(ratings)) truth ratings of r .pi(nrow(stimulus_materials)) statements from r .pi(nrow(sessions)) participants.

Participant-level exclusions

There were eight main exclusion criteria for removing participants, applied in the following order:

  1. Attempting to start more than one session during a given phase;
  2. Not granting consent for data collection across all phases;
  3. Not being a (self-reported) native speaker of English;
  4. Reporting having looked up answers in at least one phase of the study;
  5. Flat lining; i.e., using only one response category across an entire phase of the study;
  6. Failing to complete all phases in a reasonable amount of time (for Phase 1, between 3 and 40 minutes; for all other phases, between 1 and 30 minutes);
  7. Having no remaining data after any phase exclusions;
  8. Other reasons specified by the experimenter (manual exclusions).
n_total <- sessions %>% filter(!keep) %>% nrow()

sessions %>%
  filter(!keep) %>%

In total, the exclusion criteria resulted in the removal of r .pi(n_total) participants.

## remove truth ratings from excluded participants
ratings2 <- ratings %>%
  semi_join(sessions %>% filter(keep), "ID")

## remove category judgments while we're at it
cjudgments2 <- cjudgments %>%
  semi_join(sessions %>% filter(keep), "ID")

Removing data from these r .pi(n_total) participants resulted in the removal of r .pi(nrow(ratings) - nrow(ratings2)) truth ratings and r .pi(nrow(cjudgments) - nrow(cjudgments2)) category judgments.

excluded <- sessions %>%
  filter(!keep) %>%
  count(Gender, .drop = FALSE) %>%
  rename(excluded = n)

recruited <- sessions %>%
  count(Gender, .drop = FALSE) %>%
  rename(recruited = n)

.r1 <- recruited %>%
  inner_join(excluded, "Gender") %>%
  mutate(analyzed = recruited - excluded,
         Gender = as.character(Gender))

.rtot <- summarize(.r1,
                   recruited = sum(recruited),
                   excluded = sum(excluded),
                   analyzed = sum(analyzed)) %>%
  mutate(Gender = "**TOTAL**") %>%
  select(Gender, everything())

bind_rows(.r1, .rtot) %>%

Phase-level exclusions

The only exclusion criteria applied at the phase-level were (1) lack of consent for that phase; (2) failure to complete all of the ratings in the phase; (3) any other reason specified by the researcher (manual exclusion).

phase1_excl <- phases %>%
  filter(phase_id == "1") %>%
  anti_join(sessions %>% filter(excl_phase == "1"), "ID") %>%
  filter(!(chk_consent & chk_finished & chk_notmanex))

phase2_excl <- phases %>%
  filter(phase_id == "2") %>%
  anti_join(sessions %>% filter(excl_phase == "2"), "ID") %>%
  filter(!(chk_consent & chk_finished & chk_notmanex))

phase3_excl <- phases %>%
  filter(phase_id == "3") %>%
  anti_join(sessions %>% filter(excl_phase == "3"), "ID") %>%
  filter(!(chk_consent & chk_finished & chk_notmanex))

phase4_excl <- phases %>%
  filter(phase_id == "4") %>%
  anti_join(sessions %>% filter(excl_phase == "4"), "ID") %>%
  filter(!(chk_consent & chk_finished & chk_notmanex))

excluded_p <- bind_rows(phase1_excl, phase2_excl,
                          phase3_excl, phase4_excl)

tots_phs <- excluded_p %>%
  mutate(p_excl_reason = factor(p_excl_reason) %>%
           fct_relevel("Did not give consent for phase (or consent missing)",
                       "Did not complete phase")) %>%

n_phs_removed  <- tots_phs %>%
  summarize(n = sum(n)) %>%

## now remove the truth ratings
ratings_keep <- ratings2 %>%
  anti_join(excluded_p, c("ID", "phase_id")) 

## also remove the category judgments
cjudgments_keep <- cjudgments2 %>%
  anti_join(excluded_p %>% filter(phase_id == "1"), "ID")

tots_phs %>%
  rename(reason = p_excl_reason)

Applying these criteria resulted in the removal of r .pi(n_phs_removed) phases (r .pi(nrow(ratings2) - nrow(ratings_keep)) truth ratings).

Exclusions by phase and gender

subj_excl <- sessions %>%
  filter(!keep) %>%
  mutate(phase_id = factor(excl_phase, levels = 1:4)) %>%
  count(phase_id, Gender, .drop = FALSE, name = "n_subj_excluded")

n_excluded_p <- excluded_p %>%
  inner_join(sessions %>% select(ID, Gender), "ID") %>%
  count(phase_id, Gender, .drop = FALSE) %>%
  rename(n_phases_excluded = n)

n_starting <- phases %>%
  inner_join(sessions %>% select(ID, Gender), "ID") %>%
  count(phase_id, Gender, .drop = FALSE, name = "n_recruited")

analyzed_gender <- phases %>%
  filter(keep) %>%
  inner_join(sessions, "ID") %>%
  count(phase_id, Gender, .drop = FALSE, name = "n_analysed")

tots <- inner_join(n_starting, subj_excl, c("phase_id", "Gender")) %>%
  inner_join(n_excluded_p, c("phase_id", "Gender")) %>%
  mutate(n_retained = n_recruited - n_subj_excluded - n_phases_excluded) %>%
  inner_join(analyzed_gender, c("phase_id", "Gender"))

tots2 <- tots %>%
  group_by(phase_id) %>%
  summarize(n_recruited = sum(n_recruited),
            n_subj_excluded = sum(n_subj_excluded),
            n_phases_excluded = sum(n_phases_excluded),
            n_retained = sum(n_retained),
            n_analysed = sum(n_analysed)) %>%
  mutate(Gender = "**TOTAL**")

alltots <- bind_rows(tots %>%
          mutate(Gender = factor(Gender,
                                 levels = c(levels(Gender), "**TOTAL**"))),
          tots2) %>%
  mutate(Gender = fct_relevel(Gender,
                              "Female", "Male", "Gender variant",
                              "Prefer not to say", "(Missing)",
                              "**TOTAL**")) %>%
  mutate(n_excluded = n_subj_excluded + n_phases_excluded) %>%
  select(phase_id, Gender, n_recruited, n_excluded, n_retained, n_analysed)

alltots %>%
  arrange(phase_id, Gender) %>%
  knitr::kable(caption = "Participants and Phases Recruited, Excluded, and Retained by Experimental Phase and Gender")

Descriptive statistics

## do the final stages of pre-processing and
## prepare the data for modeling

## lookup which condition each rating belongs to

Means and standard deviations

First, let's collapse over interval and look at the means and SDs for repetition.

ratecond <- ratings_keep %>%
  inner_join(sessions %>% select(ID, list_id), "ID") %>%
  inner_join(stimulus_conditions, c("list_id", "stim_id"))

ratecond %>%
  group_by(repetition) %>%
  summarise(mean = round(mean(trating), 2),
            `standard deviation` = round(sd(trating), 2)) %>%

Now let's look at the repetition effects for each interval.

rcagg <- ratecond %>%
  group_by(repetition, interval) %>%
  summarise(mean = round(mean(trating), 2),
            sd = round(sd(trating), 2)) %>%

rcagg_subj <- ratecond %>%
  group_by(ID, repetition, interval) %>%
  summarise(mean = mean(trating)) %>%

rcagg_stim <- ratecond %>%
  group_by(stim_id, repetition, interval) %>%
  summarise(mean = mean(trating)) %>%

rcagg %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = c(repetition),
              values_from = c(mean, sd)) %>%
  mutate(`difference (repeated - new)` = round(mean_repeated - mean_new, 2)) %>%
         `mean repeated` = mean_repeated,
         `mean new` = mean_new,
         `difference (repeated - new)`,
         `SD repeated` = sd_repeated,
         `SD new` = sd_new)
rcagg_both <- bind_rows(
  rcagg_subj %>%
  mutate(unit = "participant") %>%
  select(ID, unit, everything()),
  rcagg_stim %>%
  mutate(unit = "stimulus", stim_id = as.character(stim_id)) %>%
  select(ID = stim_id, unit, everything()))

g <- ggplot(rcagg_both, aes(repetition, mean, color = repetition, fill = repetition)) +
  geom_violin(alpha = .2) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = .1) +
  geom_point(data = rcagg, color = "black", size = 3, alpha = .5) +
  geom_line(aes(group = interval), data = rcagg, alpha = .5, color = "black") +
  facet_grid(unit~interval) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(y = "mean rating")

if (params$savefig) {
  ggsave("means_plot.png", g, width = 8, height = 6)


Inferential statistics

We analyzed the data using cumulative logit mixed models via the clmm() function from the ordinal package [@ordinal]. We tested the repetition main effect and the repetition-by-interval interaction using likelihood ratio tests (LRTs), using the anova() function. Each test consisted of a comparison of two models, a base model containing the fixed effect (or effects) of interest and a comparison model identical to the base model except that the fixed effect (or effects) of interest had been removed. Each test was conducted with an $\alpha$ level of .05.

mod1 <- T ~ R + I1 + I2 + I3 + R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 +
  (R | subj_id) + (R | stim_id)
mod2 <- T ~ I1 + I2 + I3 + R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 + (R | subj_id) + (R | stim_id)
mod3 <- T ~ R + I1 + I2 + I3 + R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 +
  (R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 | subj_id) + (R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 | stim_id)
mod4 <- T ~ R + I1 + I2 + I3 + (R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 | subj_id) +
  (R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 | stim_id)

## prepare data for clmm modeling:
## make ID into a factor (subj_id);
## make T into a factor;
## add numerical (deviation-coded) predictors 
moddata <- ratecond %>%
  mutate(subj_id = factor(ID),
    T = factor(trating, levels = 1:7, ordered = TRUE),
    R = if_else(repetition == "repeated", 1/2, -1/2),
    I1 = if_else(interval == "1 day", 3/4, -1/4),
    I2 = if_else(interval == "1 week", 3/4, -1/4),
    I3 = if_else(interval == "1 month", 3/4, -1/4)) %>%
  select(subj_id, stim_id, repetition, interval, R, I1, I2, I3, T)

## need to re-fit the model with predictors as factors
## so that we can use emmeans
## for the planned comparisons or for the equivalence test
mod5 <- T ~ Rep * Int +
  (R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 | subj_id) + (R:I1 + R:I2 + R:I3 | stim_id)
mod6 <- T ~ Rep * Int + (Rep | subj_id) + (Rep | stim_id)

moddata2 <- moddata %>%
  mutate(Rep = C(repetition,
               matrix(c(.5, -.5), nrow = 2,
                      dimnames = list(c("repeated", "new")))),
         Int = C(interval,
               matrix(c(-1/4, -1/4, -1/4,
                         3/4, -1/4, -1/4,
                        -1/4,  3/4, -1/4,
                        -1/4, -1/4,  3/4),
                      nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE,
                      dimnames = list(c("immediate", "1 day",
                                        "1 week", "1 month"),
                                      c("I1", "I2", "I3")))))
cat("* Model 1: ",
    "`", as.character(as.expression(mod1)), "`\n", sep = "")
cat("* Model 2: ",
    "`", as.character(as.expression(mod2)), "`\n", sep = "")
cat("* Model 3: ",
    "`", as.character(as.expression(mod3)), "`\n", sep = "")
cat("* Model 4: ",
    "`", as.character(as.expression(mod4)), "`\n", sep = "")


The comparison of models 1 and 2 test the significance of the main effect of repetition (R). The comparison of models 3 and 4 test the significance of the repetition-by-interval interaction (coded by R:I1, R:I2, and R:I3).

mods <- truth_trajectory_models
cat("<div class=\"warn\">",
    "**WARNING! Because of the computationally intensive nature of fitting ordinal models (with fitting times on a multicore machine of ~24 hours), the results below use fitted models data objects built into the truthiness package. To re-fit the models and re-compute the results, re-compile this script with the parameter `refit` set to `TRUE`.**",
    sep = "\n")
## fit models using serial version (no multi-core)
mods <- list()

doFit <- TRUE

## NOTE: moddata is the main dataset that we'll use for analysis
mt1 <- system.time(
  mods[["main_base"]] <-
    clmm(mod1, data = moddata, Hess = TRUE,
         model = FALSE, doFit = doFit))

mt2 <- system.time(
  mods[["main_comp"]] <-
    clmm(mod2, data = moddata, Hess = FALSE,
         model = FALSE, doFit = doFit))

mt3 <- system.time(
  mods[["ix_base"]] <-
    clmm(mod3, data = moddata, Hess = TRUE,
         model = FALSE, doFit = doFit))

mt4 <- system.time(
  mods[["ix_comp"]] <-
    clmm(mod4, data = moddata, Hess = FALSE,
         model = FALSE, doFit = doFit))

mt5 <-
    mods[["ix2"]] <-
      clmm(mod5, data = moddata2, Hess = TRUE,
           model = FALSE, doFit = doFit))
mt6 <-
    mods[["main2"]] <-
      clmm(mod6, data = moddata2, Hess = TRUE,
           model = FALSE, doFit = doFit))

dur <- mt1[["elapsed"]] + mt2[["elapsed"]] +
  mt3[["elapsed"]] + mt4[["elapsed"]] +
  mt5[["elapsed"]] + mt6[["elapsed"]]

cat("* Total computation time: ",
    sprintf("%0.2f minutes", dur / 60), "\n")
## fit models using parallelized version (multi-core)
ncores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1L
ncores <- if (ncores < 1L) 1L else ncores
ncores <- if (ncores > 6L) 6L else ncores

cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)

dur <- system.time(
  mods <-
                list(list(m = mod1, h = TRUE, d = moddata),
                     list(m = mod2, h = FALSE, d = moddata),
                     list(m = mod3, h = TRUE, d = moddata),
                     list(m = mod4, h = FALSE, d = moddata),
                     list(m = mod5, h = TRUE, d = moddata2),
                     list(m = mod6, h = TRUE, d = moddata2)),
                function(.x) {
                  ordinal::clmm(.x[["m"]], data = .x[["d"]], Hess = .x[["h"]],
                                doFit = TRUE)

names(mods) <- c("main_base", "main_comp", "ix_base", "ix_comp", "ix2", "main2")


cat("* Total computation time: ",
    sprintf("%0.2f minutes", dur / 60), "\n")
## run likelihood ratio tests
## main effect
chisq_m <- as.numeric(-2 * logLik(mods[["main_comp"]]) -
                      -2 * logLik(mods[["main_base"]]))
df_m <- length(coefficients(mods[["main_base"]])) -
p_m <- pchisq(chisq_m, df_m, lower.tail = FALSE)
b_m <- coefficients(mods[["main_base"]])["R"]
se_m <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mods[["main_base"]])))["R"]

## interaction
chisq_i <- as.numeric(-2 * logLik(mods[["ix_comp"]]) -
                       -2 * logLik(mods[["ix_base"]]))
df_i <- length(coefficients(mods[["ix_base"]])) -
p_i <- pchisq(chisq_i, df_i, lower.tail = FALSE)
b_i <- coefficients(mods[["ix_base"]])[c("R:I1", "R:I2", "R:I3")]
se_i <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mods[["ix_base"]])))[c("R:I1", "R:I2", "R:I3")]

Main effect

cat(report(b_m, se_m, chisq_m, df_m, p_m, "main effect of repetition"), "\n")
if ((p_m > .05) && (p_i > .05)) {
  cat("\n", "### Equivalence test", "\n",
      "$p$-values less than $\\alpha$ = .05 imply equivalence to raw effect of .14 log odds (1/10 of a scale point on a 7 point scale)", "", sep = "\n")
## only run in the case of nonsignificant main effect and interaction
## perform equivalence test using emmeans
main_emm <- emmeans(mods[["main2"]], pairwise ~ Rep, data = moddata2)
test(main_emm, delta = .14, side = "equivalence")$contrasts %>%
                                                  knitr::kable(digits = 3)


cat(report(b_i, se_i, chisq_i, df_i, p_i, "repetition-by-interval interaction"),
if (p_i < .05) {
  cat("\n", "### Planned comparisons", "\n",
      paste0("To follow up the significant interaction, ",
             "we tested the illusory truth effect at each of the four intervals, ",
             "using the Holm-Bonferroni procedure to maintain ",
             "the familywise error rate at $\\alpha = .05$."),
      sep = "\n")
} else {
  cat("\n", "### Equivalence test", "\n",
      "$p$-values less than $\\alpha$ = .05 imply equivalence to raw effect of .14 log odds (1/10 of a scale point on a 7 point scale)", "", sep = "\n")
## perform planned comparisons using Holm-Bonferroni correction
## (uniformly more powerful than simple Bonferroni)
## sort p-values in ascending order
mod_emm <- emmeans(mods[["ix2"]], pairwise ~ Rep | Int, data = moddata2)

mod_cont <- mod_emm$contrasts %>% %>%

p_sort <- order(mod_cont[["p.value"]])

## calculate cutoff p-values, alpha / (m + 1 - k)
p_k <- .05 / (4 + 1 - 1:4)

## get minimal index such that p_k > cutoff
nonsig_ix <- which(mod_cont[["p.value"]][p_sort] > p_k)

if (length(nonsig_ix) > 0L) {
  min_ix <- min(nonsig_ix)
  reject_null <- rep(FALSE, 4)
  reject_null[seq_len(min_ix - 1L)] <- TRUE
} else {
  reject_null <- rep(TRUE, 4)

mod_cont[["reject_null"]][p_sort] <- reject_null

mod_cont %>%
  select(-p.value) %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = 3)
mod_emm <- emmeans(mods[["ix2"]], allsimp ~ Rep * Int, data = moddata2)

## perform equivalence test using emmeans
test(mod_emm, delta = .14, side = "equivalence")$contrasts %>%
                                                 knitr::kable(digits = 3)
## restructure the output to reduce size and save
mods2 <- lapply(mods, function(.x) {
  .x[["gfList"]] <- .x[["L"]] <- .x[["condVar"]] <-
    .x[["model"]] <- .x[["Zt"]] <- .x[["fitted.values"]] <- NULL
  attr(.x[["terms"]], ".Environment") <- NULL
  attr(.x[["formula"]], ".Environment") <- NULL

saveRDS(mods2, "fitted_models.rds")

Model validation

To validate the model, we simulate data based on the model fit and plot the distribution of the simulated data against the raw data and cell means.

## let's validate the interaction model (mods[["ix2"]])
## by simulating data from the model
simdat <- function(md, sdat, rdat, mdat) {
  subj_rfx <- VarCorr(md)$stim_id
  item_rfx <- VarCorr(md)$stim_id
  cf <- coef(md)

  srfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(nrow(sdat),
                        mu = c(sub_int = 0, sub_ri1 = 0, sub_ri2 = 0, sub_ri3 = 0),
                        Sigma = subj_rfx) %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(ID = sdat[["ID"]],
           list_id = sdat[["list_id"]]) %>%
    select(ID, list_id, everything())

  irfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(nrow(stimulus_materials),
                        mu = c(stim_int = 0,
                               stim_ri1 = 0, stim_ri2 = 0, stim_ri3 = 0),
                        Sigma = item_rfx) %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(stim_id = factor(1:nrow(stimulus_materials))) %>%
    select(stim_id, everything())

  srfx %>%
    inner_join(stimulus_conditions, "list_id") %>%
    select(ID, stim_id, sub_int, sub_ri1, sub_ri2, sub_ri3) %>%
    semi_join(rdat, c("ID", "stim_id")) %>%
    inner_join(irfx, "stim_id") %>%
    inner_join(mdat %>%
               mutate(subj_id = as.character(subj_id)) %>%
               select(subj_id, stim_id, repetition, interval,
                      R, I1, I2, I3), c("ID" = "subj_id", "stim_id")) %>%
    mutate(eta = sub_int + stim_int +
             cf["Rep1"] * R +
             cf["IntI1"] * I1 + cf["IntI2"] * I2 + cf["IntI3"] * I3 +
             (sub_ri1 + stim_ri1 + cf["Rep1:IntI1"]) * R * I1 +
             (sub_ri2 + stim_ri2 + cf["Rep1:IntI2"]) * R * I2 +
             (sub_ri3 + stim_ri3 + cf["Rep1:IntI3"]) * R * I3,
           trating = eta2resp(eta, cf[c(paste0(1:6, "|", 2:7))])) %>%
    select(ID, stim_id, repetition, interval, eta, trating)

dsim <- simdat(mods[["ix2"]],
               sessions %>% filter(keep),
           ratings_keep, moddata2)

sim_subj_means <- dsim %>%
  group_by(ID, repetition, interval) %>%
  summarize(mean = mean(trating)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(unit = "participant")

sim_stim_means <- dsim %>%
  group_by(stim_id, repetition, interval) %>%
  summarize(mean = mean(trating)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(unit = "stimulus")

g <- ggplot(rcagg_both, aes(repetition, mean, color = repetition,
                            fill = repetition)) +
  geom_violin(data = bind_rows(sim_subj_means, sim_stim_means), alpha = .2) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = .1) +
  geom_point(data = rcagg, color = "black", size = 3, alpha = .5) +
  geom_line(aes(group = interval), data = rcagg, alpha = .5, color = "black") +
  facet_grid(unit~interval) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(y = "mean rating")

if (params$savefig) {
  ggsave("validation_plot.png", g, width=8, height=6)



Most of the literature on the illusory truth effect uses the analysis of variance as the primary inferential approach. For comparison with the existing literature, we perform an ANOVA on our data. The ANOVA analysis treats stimuli as fixed effects and violates the assumption of a continuous DV with variance proportional to the mean, so we provide this only for illustrative purposes, and only draw our conclusions from the results of the cumulative logit mixed model analysis above.

## convert DV to an integer
## calculate subject means
## fill in missing cells with NA
adata <- moddata %>%
  mutate(trating = as.integer(as.character(T))) %>%
  group_by(subj_id, repetition, interval) %>%
  summarize(mean_rating = mean(trating)) %>%

## listwise deletion
adata2 <- adata %>%
  add_count(subj_id) %>%
  filter(n == 8L) %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  mutate(subj_id = fct_drop(subj_id))

ez::ezANOVA(adata2, dv = mean_rating,
            wid = subj_id,
            within = .(repetition, interval),
            type = 3)

Session information {#sessinfo}

## before exiting, print out session info
cat(readLines(system.file("repr_instr.Rmd", package = "truthiness")), sep = "\n")


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truthiness documentation built on May 24, 2021, 9:07 a.m.