The Truth Trajectory: Data Preprocessing and Anonymization

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

if (is.null(params$subdir) || (params$subdir == "")) {
  stop("You need to specify the subdirectory containing the raw data")

if (!dir.exists(params$subdir)) {
  stop("subdirectory '", params$subdir, "' does not exist")

if (is.null(params$anondir) || (params$anondir == "")) {
  stop("You need to specify the subdirectory for the anonymized data")


Importing data from files in subdirectory r params$subdir.

anondir <- normalize_path(params$anondir) # no trailing slash

## pretty print big integers
.pi <- function(x) prettyNum(x, big.mark=',')

## check for manual exclusions
man_exclude_part_fname <- file.path(dirname(anondir),

man_exclude_phs_fname <- file.path(dirname(anondir),

if (file.exists(man_exclude_part_fname)) {
  man_exclude_part <- read_csv(man_exclude_part_fname, col_types = "cc")
  if (nrow(man_exclude_part)) {
    cat("Read in ", nrow(man_exclude_part), " manual participant exclusions from ",
        man_exclude_part_fname, "\n", sep = "")
  } else {
    cat("No manual exclusions found in the file `",
        man_exclude_part_fname, "`.\n", sep = "")
} else {
  write_csv(tibble(PID = character(0), reason = character(0)),
  cat("Created the file `", man_exclude_part_fname,
      "`. Enter any manual participant-level exclusions in this file.\n",
      sep = "")
  man_exclude_part <- read_csv(man_exclude_part_fname, col_types = "cc")

if (file.exists(man_exclude_phs_fname)) {
  man_exclude_phs <- read_csv(man_exclude_phs_fname, col_types = "cic") %>%
    mutate(phase_id = factor(phase_id, levels = 1:4))
  if (nrow(man_exclude_phs)) {
    cat("Read in ", nrow(man_exclude_phs), " manual phase exclusions from ",
        man_exclude_phs_fname, "\n", sep = "")
  } else {
    cat("No manual exclusions found in the file `",
        man_exclude_phs_fname, "`.\n", sep = "")
} else {
  write_csv(tibble(PID = character(0), phase_id = integer(0),
                   reason = character(0)),
  cat("Created the file `", man_exclude_phs_fname,
      "`. Enter any manual phase-level exclusions in this file.\n", sep = "")
  man_exclude_phs <- read_csv(man_exclude_phs_fname, col_types = "cic") %>%
    mutate(phase_id = factor(phase_id, levels = 1:4))
## all the pre-processing is done in this chunk

private_sess_fname <- file.path(dirname(anondir),
private_phase_fname <- file.path(dirname(anondir),

if (dir.exists(anondir)) {
  unlink(anondir, TRUE, TRUE)
if (check_fake(params$subdir)) {flag_fake(anondir)}

sess <- import_sessions_simulated(params$subdir)
phase <- import_phase_info_simulated(params$subdir)
ratings <- import_tratings_simulated(params$subdir)
cjudgments <- import_cjudgments_simulated(params$subdir)

## destroy data from non-consenting participants
sess_consent <- sess %>%
  mutate(chk_consent_all = grepl("^Yes", ConsentAll, = TRUE))

phase2 <- semi_join(phase,
                    sess_consent %>%

phase_consent <- phase2 %>%
  mutate(chk_consent = grepl("^Yes", Consent, = TRUE))

## TODO remove ratings from non-consenting participants

## remove non-native speakers
sess_native <- sess_consent %>%
  mutate(chk_native = grepl("English", nativelang,
                          = TRUE))

## phase-level exclusion: was the phase completed?
phase_finished <- phase_consent %>%
  mutate(chk_finished = Finished == "TRUE")

## identify anyone who looked up answers; remove them from all phases
cheaters <- phase_finished %>%
  filter(grepl("^Yes", cheat, = TRUE)) %>%
  distinct(PID) %>%
  mutate(chk_nocheat = FALSE)

sess_cheat <- sess_native %>%
  left_join(cheaters, "PID") %>%
  replace_na(list(chk_nocheat = TRUE))

dur_cutoffs <-
  tibble(phase_id = factor(1:4, levels = 1:4),
         min_dur = c(3L * 60L, rep(1L * 60L, 3)),
         max_dur = c(40L * 60L, rep(30L * 60L, 3)))

## identify participants who were too fast or too slow on *any* phase
phase_speed <- phase_finished %>%
  inner_join(dur_cutoffs, "phase_id") %>%
  mutate(chk_dur_phase =
                  (as.integer(`Duration (in seconds)`) >= min_dur) &
                  (as.integer(`Duration (in seconds)`) <= max_dur)) %>%
  select(-min_dur, -max_dur)

## manual phase exclusions
phase_man <- phase_speed %>%
  left_join(man_exclude_phs %>%
            mutate(chk_notmanex = FALSE) %>%
            rename(reason_for_manual_exclusion = reason) %>%
            select(PID, phase_id, chk_notmanex, reason_for_manual_exclusion),
            c("PID", "phase_id")) %>%
  replace_na(list(chk_notmanex = TRUE,
                  reason_for_manual_exclusion = NA_character_))

sess_dur <- sess_cheat %>%
  left_join(phase_man %>%
                   filter(!chk_dur_phase) %>%
                   distinct(PID) %>%
                   mutate(chk_dur_all = FALSE), "PID") %>%
  replace_na(list(chk_dur_all = TRUE))

## now find any flatliners
## cjudgments scores
ispt <- split(cjudgments[["category"]], cjudgments[["PID"]])
res <- sapply(ispt, function(.x) {length(unique(.x)) == 1L})
flat_cjudgments <- names(res)[res]

## truth ratings
tspt <- split(ratings[["trating"]],
              list(ratings[["PID"]], ratings[["phase_id"]]), sep = ",")
res <- sapply(tspt, function(.x) {length(unique(.x)) == 1L})
flat_truth <- unique(sapply(names(res)[res],
                            function(.x) {strsplit(.x, ",")[[1]][1]},
                            USE.NAMES = FALSE))
flatliners <- union(flat_cjudgments, flat_truth)

sess_noflat <- sess_dur %>%
  mutate(chk_noflatline = !(PID %in% flatliners))

sess_keep <- sess_noflat %>%
  left_join(man_exclude_part %>%
            mutate(chk_notmanex = FALSE) %>%
            rename(reason_for_manual_exclusion = reason) %>%
            select(PID, chk_notmanex, reason_for_manual_exclusion),
            "PID") %>%
  replace_na(list(chk_notmanex = TRUE,
                  reason_for_manual_exclusion = NA_character_)) %>%
  mutate(keep = chk_consent_all & chk_native & chk_nocheat & chk_dur_all &
           chk_noflatline & chk_notmanex) %>%

phase_keep <- semi_join(phase_man,
                        sess_keep %>%
                        filter(keep), "PID") %>%
  mutate(keep = chk_consent & chk_finished & chk_notmanex) %>%
         reason_for_manual_exclusion) %>%

## done with participant level + phase level exclusions
## from here on, use phase_keep and sess_keep
n_item <- nrow(distinct(ratings, stim_id))

r warn(params$subdir)

The raw data files contain r .pi(nrow(ratings)) truth ratings of r .pi(n_item) statements from r .pi(nrow(sess)) participants.

Participant-level exclusions

First, we excluded anyone who did not give consent for the entire study.

There were four additional exclusion criteria for participants, applied in the following order:

  1. Not being a (self-reported) native speaker of English;
  2. Reporting having looked up answers in at least one phase of the study;
  3. Flat lining; i.e., using only one response category across an entire phase of the study;
  4. Failing to complete all phases in a reasonable amount of time (for Phase 1, between 3 and 40 minutes; for all other phases, between 1 and 30 minutes).

Particpants are excluded if one or more of these variables is FALSE:

Summary of participant-level exclusions

Note: n is the number of participants excluded for that combination of reasons:

excluded_part <- sess_keep %>%
  filter(!keep) %>%
  select(PID, list_id, starts_with("chk_"),

tots <- count(excluded_part, chk_consent_all, chk_native, chk_nocheat, chk_dur_all,
              chk_noflatline, chk_notmanex)


List of excluded participants


Phase-level exclusions

Phase-level exclusions apply after any participant-level exclusions; i.e., they apply only on any phases that remain after removing subjects.

The only automatically applied exclusion criteria applied at the phase-level were (1) failure to give consent (chk_consent) and (2) failure to complete all of the ratings in the phase (chk_finished). Manual exclusions are listed in the file r man_exclude_phs_fname and tagged by the variable chk_notmanex.

Summary of phase-level exclusions

excluded_phs <- phase_keep %>%
  filter(!keep) %>%
  select(PID, phase_id, chk_consent, chk_finished, chk_notmanex)

tots_phs <- count(excluded_phs, chk_consent, chk_finished, chk_notmanex)


List of phase-level exclusions



Comments left by participants (if any) will appear below.

phase_keep %>%
  filter(!(comments %in% c("", "xxxx"))) %>%
## if we have all phase data, anonymize
sess_keep[["ID"]] <- sprintf("S%04d", sample(seq_len(nrow(sess_consent))))
share_cols <- c("list_id",
                "age", "gender", "nationality", "nativelang",
                "chk_consent_all", "chk_native", "chk_nocheat",
                "chk_dur_all", "chk_noflatline", "chk_notmanex",
sess_private <- sess_keep[, c("PID", "ID",
                                      c("PID", "ID", "ConsentAll",
sess_share <- sess_keep[, c("ID", share_cols)] %>%
  arrange(ID) %>%
  filter(chk_consent_all) %>%

pshare_cols <- c("phase_id", "Duration (in seconds)",
                 "chk_consent", "chk_finished",
                 "chk_notmanex", "keep",
pkeep <- phase_keep %>%
  inner_join(sess_private[, c("ID", "PID")], "PID")

phase_share <- pkeep[, c("ID", pshare_cols)] %>%
  arrange(ID, phase_id) %>%
  filter(chk_consent) %>%

colnames(phase_share)[colnames(phase_share) == "Duration (in seconds)"] <-

phase_private <- pkeep[, c("PID", "ID", "phase_id",
                                   c("PID", "ID", "phase_id", "list_id",
                                     "Duration (in seconds)",

ratings2 <- ratings %>%
  group_by(PID, phase_id) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  semi_join(sess_keep %>% filter(keep), "PID") %>%
  semi_join(phase_keep %>% filter(keep), c("PID", "phase_id")) %>%
  inner_join(phase_private[, c("PID", "ID", "phase_id")],
                    c("PID", "phase_id"))

ratings_share <-
  ratings2[, c("ID", "phase_id", "stim_id", "trating")] %>%
  arrange(ID, phase_id, stim_id)

cjudgments2 <- cjudgments %>%
  group_by(PID) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  semi_join(sess_keep %>% filter(keep), "PID") %>%
  semi_join(phase_keep %>%
            filter(phase_id == 1L, keep), "PID") %>%
  inner_join(phase_private %>% filter(phase_id == 1L) %>%
                    select("PID", "ID"), "PID")

cjudgments_share <- cjudgments2[, c("ID", "stim_id", "category")] %>%
  arrange(ID, stim_id)

saveRDS(sess_private, private_sess_fname)
cat("Wrote non-anonymized pre-processed session data to `",
    private_sess_fname, "`.\n", sep = "")
saveRDS(phase_private, private_phase_fname)
cat("\nWrote non-anonymized pre-processed phase data to `",
    private_phase_fname, "`\n", sep = "")  

readr::write_csv(sess_share, file.path(anondir, "ANON_sessions.csv"))
readr::write_csv(phase_share, file.path(anondir, "ANON_phases.csv"))
readr::write_csv(ratings_share, file.path(anondir, "ANON_ratings.csv"))
readr::write_csv(cjudgments_share, file.path(anondir, "ANON_categories.csv"))

cat("\nWrote anonymized data to files ",
    "`ANON_sessions.csv`, `ANON_phases.csv`, `ANON_ratings.csv`, and ",
    "`ANON_categories.csv` in subdirectory `", anondir, "`.\n", sep = "")

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truthiness documentation built on May 24, 2021, 9:07 a.m.