Man pages for tsapp
Time Series, Analysis and Application

ACCIDENTMonthly numbers of road traffic accidents with personal...
acfmat'acfmat' computes a sequence of autocorrelation matrices for...
acfpacf'acfpacf' produces a plot of the acf and the pacf of a time...
ALCINCOMEAlcohol Demand, UK, 1870-1938.
armathspec'armathspec' determines the theoretical spectrum of an arma...
aspectratio'aspectratio' determines the aspect ratio to plot a time...
bandfilt'bandfilt' does a bandpass filtering of a time series
BEERMonthly beer production in Australia: megalitres. Includes...
bispeces'bispeces' performs indirect bivariate spectral estimation of...
BLACKOUTWeekly number of births in New York
BoxCox'BoxCox' determines the power of a Box-Cox transformation to...
COFFEEU.S. annual coffee consumption
DAXMarket value of DAX
DIABETESIncidences of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
DOMINANCERunning yield of public bonds in Austria and Germany
dynspecest'dynspecest' performs a dynamic spectrum estimation
GDPGermany's gross domestic product adjusted for price changes
GDPORIGGermany's gross domestic product, values of Laspeyres index...
Grangercaus'Grangercaus' determines three values of BIC from a...
HACHAC Covariance Matrix Estimation 'HAC' computes the central...
HEARTBEATCardiac frequency of a patient
HSVHSV's position in the first German soccer league
IBMIBM's stock price
ICECREAMTemperature and consumption of ice cream
init_values'init_values' is an auxiliary function for rlassoHAC, for...
INORDERIncome orders of a company
interpol'interpol' help function for missls
kweightsHAC'kweightsHAC' help function for HAC
L921Subsoil water level and precipitation at pilot well L921
lagwinba'lagwinba' Bartlett's Lag-window for indirect spectrum...
lagwinpa'lagwinpa' Parzen's Lag-window for indirect spectrum...
lagwintu'lagwintu' Tukey's Lag-window for indirect spectrum...
lambdaCalculationHAC'lambdaCalculationHAC' is an auxiliary function for...
lambdaCalculationLoad'lambdaCalculationLoad' is an auxiliary function for...
ldrec'ldrec' does Levinson-Durbin recursion for determing all...
LITHDaily subsoil water level and precipitation at pilot well...
LjungBoxPierceTest'LjungBoxPierceTest' determines the test statistic and p...
LUHORMONELevel of Luteinzing hormone of a cow
LYNXAnnual lynx trappings in a region of North-West Canada. Taken...
LYNXHARESize of populations of lynxes and snow hares
MACHINESNumber of incoming orders for machines
MAUNALOAAtmospheric CO2 concentrations (ppmv) derived from in situ...
MDAXStock market price of MDAX
MELANOMMelanoma incidence in Connecticut
mfraccheckmultifractal check 'mfraccheck' computes the absolute...
missar'missar' Substitution of missing values in a time series by...
missls'missls' substitutes missing values in a time series using...
moveav'moveav' smoothes a time series by moving averages
movemed'movemed' smoothes a time series by moving medians
MUSKRATAnnual trade of muskrat pelts
NIKKEIDaily values of the Japanese stock market index Nikkei 225...
outidentify'outidentify' performs one iteration of Wei's iterative...
OXYGENAmount of an Oxygen isotope
pacfmat'pacfmat' sequence of partial autocorrelation matrices and...
PAPERTwo measurements at a paper machine
periodogram'periodogram' determines the periodogram of a time series
periodotest'periodotest' computes the p-value of the test for a hidden...
perwinba'perwinba' Bartlett-Priestley window for direct spectral...
perwinda'perwinda' Daniell window for direct spectral estimation
perwinpa'perwinpa' Parzen's window for direct spectral estimation
pestep'pestep' help function for missar
PIGPRICEMonthly prices for pigs
polymake'polymake' generates the coefficients of an AR process given...
PPDEMANDPeak power demand in Berlin
PRODINDEXProduction index of manufacturing industries
psifair'psifair' is a psi-function for robust estimation
psihuber'psihuber' is a psi-function for robust estimation
RAINFALLAnnual amount of rainfall in Los Angeles
REDWINEMonthly sales of Australian red wine (1000 l)
rlassoHAC'rlassoHAC' performs Lasso estimation under heteroscedastic...
rlassoLoad'rlassoLoad' performs Lasso estimation under heteroscedastic...
robsplinedecomp'robsplinedecomp' decomposes a vector into trend, season and...
RS'RS' rescaled adjusted range statistic
SALESMonthly sales of a company
SCHAUINSLANDCO2-Concentration obtained in Schauinsland, Germany
simpledecomp'simpledecomp' decomposes a vector into trend, season and...
smoothls'smoothls' smoothes a time series by Whittaker graduation....
smoothrb'smoothrb' smoothes a time series robustly by using Huber's...
specest'specest' direct spectral estimation of series y using...
specplot'specplot' plot of spectral estimate
splinedecomp'splinedecomp' decomposes a time series into trend, season...
SPRUCEAnnual logging of spruce wood.
statcheck'statcheck' determines the means, standard deviations and...
subsets'subsets' determines all subsets of a set of n elements...
symplot'symplot' produces a symmetry plot
taper'taper' taper modification of a time series
TAXESMonthly community taxes in Germany (billions EURO)
TREERINGMean thickness of annual tree rings
TREMORMeasurements of physiological tremor
tsmat'tsmat' constructs a (n-p+1,p) matrix from a time series...
USAPOPPopulation of USA
vartable'vartable' determines table of variate differences
WHORMONEConcentration of growth hormone of a bull
wntest'wntest' graphical test for white noise for a time series or...
tsapp documentation built on Oct. 30, 2021, 5:08 p.m.