Man pages for tseriesEntropy
Entropy Based Analysis and Tests for Time Series

SrhoEntropy Measure Of Serial And Cross Dependence
Srho-classClass "Srho"
Srho.testEntropy Test For Serial And Cross Dependence For Categorical...
Srho.test.AR.pEntropy Tests For Nonlinearity In Time Series - Parallel...
Srho.test-classClass "Srho.test"
Srho.test.ts.pEntropy Tests Of Serial And Cross Dependence For Time Series
Srho.tsEntropy Measure Of Serial And Cross Dependence
Srho.ts-classClass "Srho.ts"
surrogate.ARSurrogate Time Series Through AR Modeling (Sieve Bootstrap)
surrogate.ARsSurrogate Time Series Through A Modeling (Smoothed Sieve...
surrogate.SASurrogate Time Series Through Simulated Annealing
Trho.test.AR.pEntropy Tests For Nonlinearity In Time Series - Parallel...
Trho.test.SA.pEntropy Tests For Nonlinearity In Time Series - Parallel...
tseriesEntropy documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 1:06 a.m.