Man pages for tsibble
Tidy Temporal Data Frames and Tools

as-tibbleCoerce to a tibble or data frame
as-tsibbleCoerce to a tsibble object
as.ts.tbl_tsCoerce a tsibble to a time series
build_tsibbleLow-level constructor for a tsibble object
build_tsibble_metaLow-level & high-performance constructor for a tsibble object
count_gapsCount implicit gaps
default_time_unitsTime units from tsibble's "interval" class used for 'seq(by =...
differenceLagged differences
duplicatesTest duplicated observations determined by key and index...
fill_gapsTurn implicit missing values into explicit missing values
filter_indexA shorthand for filtering time index for a tsibble
group_by_keyGroup by key variables
guess_frequencyGuess a time frequency from other index objects
has_gapsDoes a tsibble have implicit gaps in time?
holiday_ausAustralian national and state-based public holiday
index-byGroup by time index and collapse with 'summarise()'
index-rdReturn index variable from a tsibble
index_validAdd custom index support for a tsibble
interval-pullPull time interval from a vector
is-tsibbleIf the object is a tsibble
keyReturn key variables
key-dataKey metadata
key_drop_defaultDefault value for .drop argument for key
measured-varsReturn measured variables
new-dataNew tsibble data and append new observations to a tsibble
new-intervalInterval constructor for a tsibble
new_tsibbleCreate a subclass of a tsibble
pedestrianPedestrian counts in the city of Melbourne
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
regularMeta-information of a tsibble
scan_gapsScan a tsibble for implicit missing observations
slide_tsibblePerform sliding windows on a tsibble by row
stretch_tsibblePerform stretching windows on a tsibble by row
tile_tsibblePerform tiling windows on a tsibble by row
time_inIf time falls in the ranges using compact expressions
tourismAustralian domestic overnight trips
tsibbleCreate a tsibble object
tsibble-packagetsibble: tidy temporal data frames and tools
tsibble-scalestsibble scales for ggplot2
tsibble-tidyverseTidyverse methods for tsibble
tsibble-vctrsInternal vctrs methods
unnest_tsibbleUnnest a data frame consisting of tsibbles to a tsibble
update_tsibbleUpdate key and index for a tsibble
year-monthRepresent year-month
year-quarterRepresent year-quarter
year-weekRepresent year-week based on the ISO 8601 standard (with...
tsibble documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:06 p.m.