Man pages for turner
Turn vectors and lists of vectors into indexed structures

df_to_blocksSplit a data frame into blocks
dummy_to_listCreate an indexed list from a dummy matrix
factor_to_dummyCreate a dummy matrix from the elements in a factor
from_toStarting and ending positions
funlistApply a function to all elements in a list
indexifyCreate indices for elements in a vector or list
lengthsLength of each element within a list
listifyCreate a list from a vector of integers
list_onesList with vectors of ones
listsizeSize: total number of elements in a list
list_to_dummyCreate a dummy matrix from the elements in a list
list_to_matrixDesign-type matrix from the elements in a list
matrix_to_blocksSplit a matrix into blocks
maxlistMaximum of all elements in a list
meanlistMean of all elements in a list
minlistMinimum of all elements in a list
prodlistProduct of all elements in a list
sumlistSum of all elements in a list
vector_to_dummyCreate a dummy matrix from the elements in a vector
turner documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:35 a.m.