tvthemes 1.3.1

maturing CRAN_Status_Badge Downloads License: GPL
v3 Coverage
status R build
status ko-fi

Ryo Nakagawara \| Twitter: @R_by_Ryo

The tvthemes package is a collection of various ggplot2 themes and color/fill palettes based on everybody’s favorite TV shows. What kick-started this whole package was my blogpost looking at simple TV stats on my current favorite TV show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I got a lot of good feedback on the colors I used for the custom ggplot2 theme and color palettes so I decided to expand it to other shows that I love! Suggestions and Pull Requests for palettes/themes are welcome!

loadfonts(quiet = TRUE)

ggplot(mpg, aes(displ)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(fill = class), 
                 col = "black", size = 0.1,
                 binwidth = 0.1) +
  scale_fill_brooklyn99(palette = "Dark") +
  labs(title = "Do you know what it means to 'clap back', Raymond?",
       subtitle = glue::glue("BE- {emo::ji('clap')} -CAUSE {emo::ji('clap')} I {emo::ji('clap')} DO {emo::ji('clap')} !"),
       x = "Titles of Your Sex Tape",
       caption = "Pizza bagels? Pizza rolls? Pizza poppers? Pizzaritos? Pizza pockets?") +
  theme_brooklyn99(title.font = "Titillium Web",
                   text.font = "Calibri Light",
                   subtitle.size = 14)

Current list of TV shows


You can install tvthemes by:

## install.packages(devtools)
## for development version:

## v1.3.0 is available on CRAN!

Now available on CRAN!

tvthemes 1.0.0 Major Changes

See vignette.

Fonts & Colors

See vignette.


You can find the code for all the examples below in the “Examples” Vignette on the Package Website.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

b99d b99d b99l b99l

Spongebob Squarepants

bobspog bobspog bobspogbkg bobspogbkg

Game of Thrones: House Stark, Tully, Targaryen

StarkTullyTargaryen StarkTullyTargaryen

Game of Thrones: House Tyrell, Lannister, Greyjoy

TyrellLannisterGreyjoy TyrellLannisterGreyjoy

Game of Thrones: Arryn, Manderly, Martell

ArrynManderlyMartell ArrynManderlyMartell

Game of Thrones: Stannis Baratheon, The One True King

stannis stannis

The Simpsons

simpsons simpsons

Rick and Morty

randm randm

Avatar: The Last Airbender (Fire Nation, Air Nomads, Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom)

tla tla

Parks and Recreation

pandr pandr

Attack on Titan

aot aot

Kim Possible

KimPossible KimPossible

Big Hero 6

bighero6 bighero6


hilda hilda

Gravity Falls

gravityfall gravityfall

Steven Universe

stevenuniverse stevenuniverse


Please note that the tvthemes project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


This code is released under the GPL v3 License - see the file for details.


Inspired by Matt Oldach’s {vaporwave}, Bob Rudis’ {hrbrthemes}, Garrick Aden-Buie’s {ggpomological}, Ewen Henderson’s {ghibli}, rOpenSci’s {ochRe}, & Nathan Cunningham.

Hilda palettes from Matt Shanks and ChevyRay.

“Some Time Later” font courtesy of Frederick Brennan.

Try the tvthemes package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tvthemes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:03 p.m.