Man pages for tvthemes
TV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' Graphics

attackOnTitan_palAttack On Titan palette
avatar_palAvatar: The Last Airbender palette
avatarTLA_palAvatar: The Last Airbender palette (deprecated)
bigHero6_palBig Hero 6 palette
brooklyn99_palBrooklyn Nine Nine Color and Fill Scales
gravityFalls_palGravity Falls palette
hilda_palHilda palette
import_avatarImport "Slayer" font
import_gravitationFallsImport "Gravitation Falls" font
import_rickAndMortyImport "Get Schwifty" font
import_simpsonsImport "Akbar" font
import_spongeBobImport "Some-Time-Later" font
import_theLastAirbenderImport "Slayer" font (deprecated)
kimPossible_palKim Possible palette
paintBikiniBottomAdd SpongeBob background
parksAndRec_palParks & Recreation palette
rickAndMorty_palRick & Morty color palette
simpsons_palThe Simpsons palette
spongeBob_palSpongebob Squarepants palette
stevenUniverse_palGems & Friends of Steven Universe palette
theme_avatarAvatar: The Last Airbender theme
theme_brooklyn99Brooklyn Nine-Nine theme
theme_hildaDayHilda "Day" theme
theme_hildaDuskHilda "Dusk" theme
theme_hildaNightHilda "Night" theme
theme_parksAndRecParks & Recreation theme
theme_parksAndRec_lightParks & Recreation "Light" theme (deprecated)
theme_parksAndRecLightParks & Recreation "Light" theme
theme_rickAndMortyRick & Morty theme
theme_simpsonsThe Simpsons theme
theme_spongeBobSpongebob Squarepants theme
theme_theLastAirbenderAvatar: The Last Airbender theme (deprecated)
tvthemesTV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' Graphics
westeros_palGreat Houses of Westeros palette
tvthemes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:03 p.m.