gplotTwoWay: Box-and-Whisker, Violin Plots and Error Bars for Two-Way...

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gplotTwoWayR Documentation

Box-and-Whisker, Violin Plots and Error Bars for Two-Way Layout


gplotTwoWay produces box-and-whisker, violin plots, and error bars for two-way layout.


gplotTwoWay(formula, data, type = c("errorbar", "violin", "boxplot", 
  "interaction"), color_manual = NULL, back_color = FALSE, xlab = NULL, 
  ylab = NULL, title = NULL, legend.title = NULL, width = NULL, 
  option = c("sd", "se"), metric = c("mean", "median"), na.rm = TRUE)



a formula of the form lhs ~ rhs where lhs gives the sample values and rhs gives the corresponding two factors.


a data frame containing the variables in formula.


a character string to select one of the plots. "errorbar": error bar, "violin": violin plot, "boxplot": box-and-whisker plot, and "interaction": interaction plot.


a vector of colors. A palette can also be defined with wes_palette. Default is set to "FantasticFox1" available in wes_palette.


a logical to make background grey or white.


a label for the x axis, defaults to a description of x.


a label for the y axis, defaults to a description of y.


a main title for the plot.


a legend title for the plot.


a numeric giving the width of the little lines at the tops and bottoms of the error bars (defaults to 0.35) and the width of the boxes for box-and-whisker plots (defaults to 0.75).


a character string to select one of the options to draw error bars with standard error or standard deviation. "se": standard error, "sd": standard deviation. Defaults to "se".


a character string to draw interaction plot with a desired metric. Defaults to "mean".


a logical indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


The upper whisker of box-and-whisker plots extends from the hinge to the highest value that is within 1.5 * IQR of the hinge, where IQR is the inter-quartile range. The lower whisker extends from the hinge to the lowest value within 1.5 * IQR of the hinge. Data out of the ends of the whiskers are outliers and plotted as points.


Osman Dag, Muhammed Ali Yilmaz, Merve Kasikci



# to obtain error bar (mean +- standard deviation) 
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "errorbar", option = "sd")

# to change factor places in graph
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ treatment*ovalbumin, data = alveolar, type = "errorbar", option = "sd")

# to obtain error bar (mean +- standard error) 
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "errorbar", option = "se")

# to draw interaction plot with mean 
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "interaction", metric = "mean")

# to draw interaction plot with median 
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "interaction", metric = "median")

# to obtain box-and-whisker plot 
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "boxplot")

# to obtain violin plot 
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "violin")

# to define specific colors
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "errorbar", option = "sd", 
color_manual = c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9"))

# to change color palette
gplotTwoWay(cell ~ ovalbumin*treatment, data = alveolar, type = "errorbar", option = "sd", 
color_manual = wes_palette(name = "GrandBudapest1", n = 3))

twowaytests documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:44 a.m.