Man pages for txshift
Efficient Estimation of the Causal Effects of Stochastic Interventions

bound_precisionBound Precision
bound_propensityBound Generalized Propensity Score
confint.txshiftConfidence Intervals for Counterfactual Mean Under Stochastic...
eifCompute the Shift Parameter Estimate and the Efficient...
est_g_censEstimate the Censoring Mechanism
est_g_expEstimate the Exposure Mechanism via Generalized Propensity...
est_HnEstimate Auxiliary Covariate of Full Data Efficient Influence...
est_QEstimate the Outcome Mechanism
est_sampEstimate Probability of Censoring by Two-Phase Sampling
fit_fluctuationFit One-Dimensional Fluctuation Model for Updating Initial...
ipcw_eif_updateIterative IPCW Update Procedure of Augmented Efficient...
msm_vimshiftWorking marginal structural model for causal effects of an...
onestep_txshiftOne-Step Estimate of Counterfactual Mean of Stochastic Shift...
plot.txshift_msmPlot working MSM for causal effects of an intervention grid
print.txshiftPrint Method for Counterfactual Mean of Stochastic Shift...
print.txshift_msmPrint Method for Marginal Structural Models
scale_to_originalTransform values from the unit interval back to their...
scale_to_unitTransform values by scaling to the unit interval
shift_additiveSimple Additive Modified Treatment Policy
tmle_txshiftTargeted Minimum Loss Estimate of Counterfactual Mean of...
txshiftEfficient Estimate of Counterfactual Mean of Stochastic Shift...
txshift documentation built on Feb. 11, 2022, 1:08 a.m.