ud.have.unit.system: Determine whether udunits has loaded its units database

View source: R/ud.functions.R

ud.have.unit.systemR Documentation

Determine whether udunits has loaded its units database


This function check wether or not udunits has successfully found and loaded its run-time XML units database.




At package load time, Rudunits attempts to load a unit system from an XML units database from the file system. This might be installed with the system library (e.g. through apt or yum), or the user can use their own. The file-system location is configured using the UDUNITS2_XML_PATH environment variable.

This package will attempt to load the path contained in UDUNITS2_XML_PATH. If it's empty, it will attempt to load it from the system library. Failing that it will attempt to load its own XML database that ships with the package (from udunits source).

One can call ud.have.unit.system to confirm that the units database has been loaded successfully.


Returns a logical: True if udunits has successfully found and loaded the XML units database, False otherwise.


James Hiebert hiebert@uvic.ca


ud.have.unit.system() # TRUE

udunits2 documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:02 p.m.