Man pages for ufs
A Collection of Utilities

aipedjmvSample size for accuracy: d
aiperjmvSample size for accuracy: r
areColorsCheck whether elements of a vector are valid colors
arrAbsolute Relative Risk and confidence interval
associationMatrixHelperFunctionsassociationMatrix Helper Functions
associationsDiamondPlotA diamondplot with confidence intervals for associations
attenuate.dAttenuate a Cohen's d estimate for unreliability in the...
attenuate.rAttenuate a Pearson's r estimate for unreliability in the...
A_VarghaDelaneyVargha & Delaney's A
BAC_plotBland-Altman Change plot
basicDiamondplotFunctionsBasic ggplot2 diamond plot layer construction functions
bfi-data25 Personality items representing 5 factors
biAxisDiamondPlotDiamondplot with two Y axes
carelessObjectCompute diagnostics for careless responding
carelessReportA report to help diagnosing careless responders
cat0Concatenate to screen without spaces
checkDataIntegrityConveniently checking data integrity
checkPkgsCheck for presence of a package
CIMConceptual Independence Matrix
cohensDdistributionThe distribution of Cohen's _d_
comparisonDiamondPlotsmeansComparisonDiamondPlot and duoComparisonDiamondPlot
confintdjmvEffect Size Confidence Interval: Cohens's d
confIntOmegaSqConfidence intervals for Omega Squared
confIntPropConfidence intervals for proportions, vectorized over all...
confIntRA function to compute a correlation's confidence interval
confintrjmvEffect Size Confidence Interval: Pearson's r
confIntSDConfidence interval for standard deviation
convertconversion functions Cohen's d to U3
convertToNumericConveniently convert vectors to numeric
cramersVCramer's V and its confidence interval
descriptivesdescr (or descriptives)
diamondPlotBasic diamond plot construction function
disattenuate.dDisattenuate a Cohen's d estimate for unreliability in the...
disattenuate.rDisattentuate a Pearson's r estimate for unreliability
escapeRegexEscapes any characters that would have special meaning in a...
exceptionalScoreFind exceptional scores
exceptionalScoresFind exceptional scores
exportToHTMLExporting tables to HTML
extractVarNameExtract variable names
faConfIntExtract confidence bounds from psych's factor analysis object
factorLoadingDiamondCIplotTwo-dimensional visualisation of factor analyses
factorLoadingHeatmapTwo-dimensional visualisation of factor analyses
fa_failsafeDo factor-analysis, logging warnings and errors
findShortestIntervalFind the shortest interval
formatCIPretty formatting of confidence intervals
formatPvaluePretty formatting of _p_ values
formatRPretty formatting of correlation coefficients
getDataUse a dialog to load data from an SPSS file
ggBarChartBar chart using ggplot
ggBoxplotBox plot using ggplot
ggEasyPlotsConvenience functions for ggplots based on multiple variables
ggPieA ggplot pie chart
ggProportionPlotSample distribution based plotting of proportions
ggqqEasy ggplot Q-Q plot
ggSaveSave a ggplot with specific defaults
headingPrint a heading
ifelseObjConditional returning of an object
INCase insensitive version of %in%
insertNumberedCaptionInsert numbered caption
iqrOutlierIdentify outliers according to the IQR criterion
irpplotVisualising individual response patterns'NULL' and 'NA' 'proof' checking of whether something is a...
is.oddChecking whether numbers are odd or even
isTrueMore flexible version of isTRUE
itemScaleColoursCreate colours for a response scale for an item
kblXtraWrapper for kableExtra for consistent 'ufs' table styling
knitFigEasily knit a custom figure fragment
massConvertToNumericConverting many dataframe columns to numeric
meanConfIntA confidence interval for the mean
meansDiamondPlotDiamond plots
meansDiamondPlotjmvDiamond plot: means
meanSDtoDiamondPlotA diamond plot based on means, standard deviations, and...
multiResponseGenerate a table for multiple response questions
multiResponsejmvMulti Response
multiVarFreqGenerate a table collapsing frequencies of multiple variables
nncConversionHelper functions for Numbers Needed for Change
normalityAssessmentnormalityAssessment and samplingDistribution
noZeroRemove one or more zeroes before the decimal point
omegasqThe distribution of Omega Squared
optsOptions for the ufs package
parallelSubscalesSplit a dataset into two parallel halves
pwr.bootESEstimate required sample size for accuracy in parameter...
pwr.confIntPropEstimate required sample size for accuracy in parameter...
pwr.confIntRDetermine required sample size for a given confidence...
pwr.omegasqPower calculations for Omega Squared.
quietRemotesInstallQuietly update a package from a remote repository
qVecConvenience function to quickly copy-paste a vector
rbind_df_listBind lots of dataframes together rowwise
rbind_dfsSimple alternative for rbind.fill or bind_rows
regrInfluentialDetecting influential cases in regression analyses
repeatStrRepeat a string a number of times
reportOutput report from results
safeRequireLoad a package, install if not available
setCaptionNumberingKnitrHookSet a knitr hook for caption numbering
simDataSetSimulate a dataset
spearmanBrownSpearman-Brown formula
strToFilenameConvert a string to a safe filename
suspectParticipantsSelects suspect participants from a 'carelessObject'
testRetestAlphaTest-Retest Alpha Coefficient
testRetestCESTest-Retest Coefficient of Equivalence & Stability
testRetestSimDatatestRetestSimData is a simulated dataframe used to...
vecTxtEasily parse a vector into a character value
viridisPaletteConvenience function to get 2-7 color viridis palettes
wrapVectorWrap all elements in a vector
zotero_construct_export_callConstruct the URL for a Zotero export call
zotero_download_and_export_itemsDownload and save all items in a public Zotero group
zotero_get_all_itemsGet all items in a public Zotero group
zotero_nr_of_itemsGet number of items in a public Zotero group
ufs documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:07 p.m.