Man pages for ukpolice
Download Data on UK Police and Crime

ukc_availableAvailable data
ukc_crime_categoryCrime categories
ukc_crime_locationCrimes at a specific location
ukc_crime_no_locationCrimes without location
ukc_forcesEngland and Wales Police Forces
ukc_last_updateLatest crime update
ukc_neighbourhood_boundarySpecific Neighbourhood Boundary
ukc_neighbourhood_locationNeighbourhood Location
ukc_neighbourhoodsPolicing Neighbourhoods
ukc_neighbourhood_specificSpecific Neighbourhood
ukc_specific_outcomeOutcomes for a specific crime
ukc_stop_searchStop and search
ukc_stop_search_forceStop and Searches by Police Force
ukc_stop_search_no_locationStop and Searches without location
ukc_street_crimeStreet level crime
ukc_street_crime_outcomeStreet level crime outcomes
ukpolice-packageukpolice: Download Data on UK Police and Crime
ukpolice documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 5:09 p.m.