mit: Colors of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),...

mitR Documentation

Colors of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), USA


mit provides three primary colors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, plus a secondary light gray color.




An object of class character of length 4.


The three primary colors are "black" (corresponding to RGB 0 0 0 and HEX #000000), "MIT red" (defined as PMS 201, RGB 163 31 52, HEX #A31F34), and "MIT gray" (defined as PMS 424, RGB 138 139 140, HEX #8A8B8C).

The secondary color "MIT light gray" (defined as PMS 420, RGB 194 192 191, HEX #C2C0BF) is used for contrast reasons.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-06-11.


Color definitions are based on MIT's Color manual.

See Also

seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colors; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colors.

Other U.S. university color palettes: asu_1, asu_2, asu_3, berkeley_1, berkeley_2, brown_1, brown_2, bu, caltech_1, caltech_2, caltech_3, cmu_1, cmu_2, cmu_3, columbia_1, columbia_2, columbia_3, cornell_1, cornell_2, cornell_3_accent, dartmouth_1, dartmouth_2, dartmouth_3, duke_1, duke_2, harvard_1, harvard_2, harvard_3, jhu_0, jhu_1, jhu_2, jhu_3_accent, jhu_4_gray, manchester_uni_1, manchester_uni_2, michigan_1, michigan_2, minnesotatwin_1, minnesotatwin_2, monash_1, monash_2, msu, northwestern_1, northwestern_2, notredame_1, notredame_2, nyu_1, nyu_2, nyu_accent, nyu_neutral, ohio_uni_1, ohio_uni_2, pitt_1, pitt_2, princeton_0, princeton_1, princeton_2, rpi_1, rpi_2, rpi_3, stanford_1, stanford_2, stanford_3, uchicago_1, uchicago_2, uci_1, uci_2, uci_3, uci_4, ucla_1, ucla_2, ucla_3, ucla_4, ucsd_1, ucsd_2, ucsd_3, uflorida_1, uflorida_2, uflorida_3, umass_1, umass_2, umass_neutrals, upenn_1, upenn_2, vanderbilt_1, vanderbilt_2, vanderbilt_3, willamette, wm_1, wm_2, wm_3, yale, yeshiva


unikn::seecol(mit, main = "MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology") # view color palette

unicol documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:17 a.m.