oxford_graduate: Graduate country page colours of University of Oxford,...

oxford_graduateR Documentation

Graduate country page colours of University of Oxford, England, UK


oxford_graduate provides the twelve graduate country page colours of the University of Oxford, England, UK.




An object of class character of length 12.


The 23 graduate country page colours are "graduate_light_blue" (defined as HEX #9eceeb), "graduate_blue" (defined as HEX #5f9baf), "graduate_navy_blue" (defined as HEX #44687d), "graduate_grey_blue" (defined as HEX #a1c4d0), "graduate_dark_green" (defined as HEX #69913b), "graduate_light_green" (defined as HEX #aab300), "graduate_orange" (defined as HEX #cf7a30), "graduate_yellow" (defined as HEX #f5cf47), "graduate_dark_red" (defined as HEX #872434), "graduate_red" (defined as HEX #be0f34), "graduate_pink" (defined as HEX #ebc4cb), and "graduate_grey" (defined as HEX #a79d96).


A named vector of colours (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-06-15.


Colour definitions are based on Oxford's digital style guide.

See Also

oxford_brand for the brand colours of University of Oxford; oxford_general for the general colours of University of Oxford; oxford_link for the link colours of University of Oxford; oxford_shades for the shade colours of University of Oxford; oxford_blog for the blog colours of University of Oxford; oxford_error for the error colours of University of Oxford; oxford_socialmedia for the social media colours of University of Oxford; seecol for viewing and comparing colour palettes; usecol for using colour palettes; simcol for finding similar colours; newpal for defining new colour palettes; grepal for finding named colours.

Other English university color palettes: birmingham, lancaster_1, lancaster_2, oxford_blog, oxford_brand, oxford_error, oxford_general, oxford_link, oxford_shades, oxford_socialmedia, uni_manchester


              main = "Uni Oxford graduate country page colours") # view colour palette

unicol documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:17 a.m.