uni_heidelberg: Official colours of the University of Heidelberg, Germany

uni_heidelbergR Documentation

Official colours of the University of Heidelberg, Germany


uni_heidelberg provides the three official colours of the University of Heidelberg, Germany.




An object of class character of length 3.


The 3 official colours are "Rot" (Siegel-Hintergrund) (defined as C20 / M100 / y90 / K0, r198 / g24 / b38), "Rot-Braun" (Siegel-Outline) (defined as C30 / M100 / y90 / K65, r89 / g13 / b8), and "Sand" (Zusatzfarbe) (defined as C5 / M5 / y9 / K0, r244 / g241 / b234).

uni_heidelberg uses the RGB color definitions.


A named vector of colours (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


unicol, 2023-06-27.


Color definitions are based on the Uni Heidelberg Corporate Design.

See Also

seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes; simcol for finding similar colours; newpal for defining new color palettes; grepal for finding named colours.

Other German university color palettes: fu_0, fu_1, fu_2, fu_3, hu_1, hu_1_2022, hu_1_digital, hu_2, hu_2_2022, hu_3_accent, lmu_1, lmu_2, lmu_3, rptu, uni_bonn_1, uni_bonn_2, uni_freiburg_0, uni_freiburg_1, uni_freiburg_2, uni_freiburg_blue, uni_freiburg_br, uni_freiburg_grey, uni_freiburg_info, uni_goettingen_1, uni_goettingen_2, uni_goettingen_3, uni_halle, uni_hamburg_1, uni_hamburg_2, uni_jena_1, uni_jena_2, uni_kassel, uni_kiel_1, uni_kiel_2, uni_koeln_1, uni_koeln_2, uni_konstanz_1, uni_konstanz_2, uni_magdeburg_1, uni_magdeburg_2, uni_magdeburg_3, uni_mannheim_1, uni_mannheim_2, uni_potsdam, uni_regensburg_1, uni_regensburg_2, uni_regensburg_3, uni_stuttgart_1, uni_stuttgart_print, uni_ulm_1, uni_ulm_2


unikn::seecol(uni_heidelberg, main = "Official colours of the University of Heidelberg") 
# view colour palette

unicol documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:17 a.m.