
Defines functions .onAttach unicol.guide

Documented in unicol.guide

## start_unicol.R | 2023 08 17
## Starting the unicol package
## ---------------------------

# unicol.guide: Open the unicol package guide ------

#' Open the unicol package guides 
#' \code{unicol.guide} allows accessing the \strong{unicol} package vignettes, 
#' which illustrate the package contents and some ways in which these can be used.
#' @return 
#' No return value, called for side effects. 
#' @importFrom utils vignette
#' @importFrom utils browseVignettes
#' @export

unicol.guide <- function() {
  # utils::vignette(topic = "User Guide", package = "unicol")
  utils::browseVignettes(package = "unicol")
} # unicol.guide().

# .onAttach: Initialize package ------

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # Welcome message: ------
  pkg_version <- utils::packageVersion("unicol", lib.loc = NULL)
  packageStartupMessage(cli::col_grey("Welcome to ", cli::col_blue("unicol"), " (v", pkg_version, ")!", sep = ""))
} # .onAttach 

## eof. ----------

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unicol documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:17 a.m.